Ladies who have recovered from long-term scalp damage: help!

BusyLady said:
Hello ladies. I wasn't going to join until I came across this discussion because I have this issue. My Derm says its anemia and also gave ketoconizole %2 and I take my iron daily. It has helped a lot. I then found a hairdresser who has helped me. She told me to use the derms shampoo first let it soak for a while then soften the hair with a moisturizing shampoo. I got better results.

Welcome lady! Any updates?
MrsS said:
sheanu, JeterCrazed, yorkpatties My scalp is healing up nicely. It has a light pink color now and is not sensitive to touch anymore. That kid did yank a good chunk out of my hair and I'm hoping this will not cause further damage.
I received the results today and my doc said that I had traction alopecia. :sad: He is prescribing me a topical steroid ointment to apply on the area for two to three months and he also recommended that I use men's Rogaine. He said some of it might be reversible and that the steroidal ointment would reduce inflammation. I sure hope it helps, because my smooth as a baby's butt temple area is not the business. :nono:
What's wrong with using the men's Rogaine?

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Dont use the rogaine. When u don't use it the hair falls out again.
Yeah I'm using minoval now (which has minoxidil) and some people said the hair will fall out while for most that wasn't the case...

How's everyone's hair coming along?
I'm seeing a few faint, fine strands of hair growing but I'm not sure if It's my imagination. I'll give it another month before comparing pictures.
I'm trying to stay positive but to be honest I'm not sure the treatment is doing anything, unless my scalp is deeply inflamed and needs a lot of time to recover. :sad: I just want some hair! :whyme:
I haven't bought the Rogaine because I wanted to give my scalp time to recover and I didn't want to become dependent. I'll try some castor oil and maybe get emu oil.

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MrsS said:
I'm seeing a few faint, fine strands of hair growing but I'm not sure if It's my imagination. I'll give it another month before comparing pictures.
I'm trying to stay positive but to be honest I'm not sure the treatment is doing anything, unless my scalp is deeply inflamed and needs a lot of time to recover. :sad: I just want some hair! :whyme:
I haven't bought the Rogaine because I wanted to give my scalp time to recover and I didn't want to become dependent. I'll try some castor oil and maybe get emu oil.

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Hey there!
I hope you are having some progress. Perhaps we should all post some pics in may to see how we're progressing...But is your scalp red or painful? I know bhringraj helped a LOT with the inflammation. It's never pink anymore and I'm seeing progress so perhaps you can try to see if it helps :)
sheanu said:
Hey there!
I hope you are having some progress. Perhaps we should all post some pics in may to see how we're progressing...But is your scalp red or painful? I know bhringraj helped a LOT with the inflammation. It's never pink anymore and I'm seeing progress so perhaps you can try to see if it helps :)

It's not red but is painful sometimes when I massage it. The dermatologist didn't tell me the follicles are dead so I'll hang in there.

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MrsS said:
It's not red but is painful sometimes when I massage it. The dermatologist didn't tell me the follicles are dead so I'll hang in there.

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Awww I had the same problem in the front at my peak and bhringraj eliminated all that in 2 weeks at 3x a week before bed. I hope you find a solution and please keep in touch :)
I've never heard of this bhringraj oil. I am going to look into this.

My hair has filled in around the center but it is still a little thinner than the rest of my hair, at least I think so. That steroid foam I used really helped me out a lot. I am happy that I no longer have the pain, burning and itching I once had, but it is still growing slower than the rest of my hair. I go back to my dermatologist next week and I will see what she has to say.
yorkpatties said:
I've never heard of this bhringraj oil. I am going to look into this.

My hair has filled in around the center but it is still a little thinner than the rest of my hair, at least I think so. That steroid foam I used really helped me out a lot. I am happy that I no longer have the pain, burning and itching I once had, but it is still growing slower than the rest of my hair. I go back to my dermatologist next week and I will see what she has to say.

Don't get discouraged. I had some stringy week lookin hair come before it got thicker. I just started bhringaraj last week as a prepoo 2x a week and follow with nizoral 2% let it sit, then nexus humectress shampoo to soften then deep condition. Hang in there.
Things were on the up for me, probably haven't been to the derm in 5 weeks and I started getting the itching again. Not as bad as it was last year but alarming. I just saw my derm a few days again and she said the spot was red and inflamed, naturally I was scratching. She gave me a few steroid injections in the center of my scalp and prescribed a new steroid foam (olux) for me to use 2x a day. It is thicker than the luxiq I took a few months ago, just using the sample I could tell the difference. My dermatologist says the olux is stronger than the luxiq. I love my new growth since my BC, but this one little spot just won't catch up.

Been reading a lot about Ayurvedic practices and I am interested in this bhringraj oil, I may try that out after my prescription is done.

How are you ladies doing?

BusyLady MrsS sheanu silkii_locks
Hey @yorkpatties!
Ughhh I hate the itchies girl but I hope the Olux helps. I know one of the posters here recommended it so it should help. Yeah that bhringraj is the stuff! I noticed a lot more little hairs popping up since I started using it. I think I mentioned it already but braiding my hair used to be torture before I started using this. It helps to apply it the night I've braided my hair up because it's very soothing and by the next morning my braids don't feel as painful (I don't even braid tight! My scalp was just THAT tender). I'm also no longer thinning along the part-line where I braid so I'm going to start keeping them in for two weeks while oiling 3X a week with my bhringraj-brahmi oil mixture :lick: Lmk if you decide to use it!

How about @BusyLady, @MrsS and @silkii_locks and @JeterCrazed?
No change for me. :( I know I started using the steroidal ointment about 6 weeks ago only but I'm not seeing any improvement. I see the thinest baby hair thrive but my baby butt smooth scalp shows no sign of growth. :sad:
It's even more upsetting given the fact that the rest of my hair is shoulder length and I have those shiny bald temples. :nono: If I had the funds for hair transplantation, I would just do it and get this over with in a heartbeat.
In the meantime I've been using Castor oil because that's what I have and I'm tired of spending money on useless remedies. :wallbash:

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I am coming to the end of a 16 week stretch. It's going well. I figured how to avoid the tangles the answer is co washing. My bald shiny spot has gotten smaller over time. One year. I'm not afraid to part anymore. I think stretching will help cause 8 years ago I tried stretching and it helped then. I think I'll stick with it. I can't wait for my touch up.
MrsS, did u try supplementing with iron?

sheanu, my lil patch has grown in completely.
My hair is growing quite nicely now.

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Awwwww I'm sorry you're having such a hard t time MrsS...maybe give the iron a try as suggested.

I'm happy the rest of you are seeing results though. We might have to do a before and after thing in a few months!
sheanu, JeterCrazed. I'm getting a physical done next month to rule out any issues. I want to get that out of the way first, then figure out where to go from there internally since the topical steroid isn't doing anything.
I'm beginning to think that I have some allergies. Not sure, but since the weather warmed up, my temples got itchy again and I' breaking out more than usual. I've also been eating some foods that I had eliminated from my diet (eggs, deli) so they could be the culprits.
What blood tests should I ask for? The regular physical exam tests that the docs do are not thorough enough and I don't even get details of my bloodwork.
MrsS, when I went I specifically requested some hormonal blood tests to rule out pcos and a test of vitamin levels. This is how I found out I had the vitamin d deficiency. Also, JeterCrazed listed several more recommended blood tests that would be really good for you to get. Besides those, try avoiding dairy for a while because it turned out that in my case, dairy was causing me to have serious cystic acne and the WORST menstrual cramps ever :nono: Good luck and let us know what happens.
MrsS said:
sheanu, JeterCrazed. I'm getting a physical done next month to rule out any issues. I want to get that out of the way first, then figure out where to go from there internally since the topical steroid isn't doing anything.
I'm beginning to think that I have some allergies. Not sure, but since the weather warmed up, my temples got itchy again and I' breaking out more than usual. I've also been eating some foods that I had eliminated from my diet (eggs, deli) so they could be the culprits.
What blood tests should I ask for? The regular physical exam tests that the docs do are not thorough enough and I don't even get details of my bloodwork.


Check Feratin,TSH, ANA Connective Tissues, and get a full CBC panel.

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I posted an update in the castor oil challenge thread but here's how my hair looked today. It's still nowhere near where I want to be but I'm REALLY thankful for how far I've come since starting this thread.:drunk: Thanks ladies! I hope we can all see more progress as time goes on :yep:

The first is from August and the second I took today.


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I posted an update in the castor oil challenge thread but here's how my hair looked today. It's still nowhere near where I want to be but I'm REALLY thankful for how far I've come since starting this thread.:drunk: Thanks ladies! I hope we can all see more progress as time goes on :yep:

The first is from August and the second I took today.

sheanu, What have you been doing differently since August? This is GREAT progress to me. :yep:
JeterCrazed said:
MrsS, if the doc asks if u have joint pain, just go with it. :lol:

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I do have pain in my knees. :sekret: :lol: I remembered that there is also one thing that changed in my diet; my supplements. I added Alpha Lipoic Acid to my regimen and I believe that it is the reason why I'm bureaking out like crazy again. I have been eating more eggs and dairy, but it has never affected ume like that. :nono: It was supposed to help my skin not make it worse. :ohwell:
sheanu your progress is fantastic! I need to be more regular with my castor oil. I'm mixing names...
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lushcoils I just used the nizoral as prescribed, then started topical steroids after, oiled with bhringraj since january or so and now a bhringraj & brahmi mixture I made about 3 weeks ago. Also I started minoval about a month ago which I follow with the above mentioned oil. I only added the minoval cuz my doctor kept insisting on some form of minoxidil. I also haven't shampooed since I finished the nizoral. It's been straight cowashing with a weekly cleanse of ayurvedic powders. Besides that I added biotin, msm, and a b vitamin complex in the last month but I've been drinking a tea of acv, blackstrapp molasses, and lemon nightly since about November. I think that's it lol
JeterCrazed said:
If you don't go get your ANA checked!! :swearing:

And look into DHEA.

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Ok, will do! :yep: Will my doctor just go with the flow or look at me like I'm crazy for asking for all of these tests?

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MrsS said:
Ok, will do! :yep: Will my doctor just go with the flow or look at me like I'm crazy for asking for all of these tests?

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Lol you sound like you might need jeter to really prep you for this acting role ;)
sheanu said:
Lol you sound like you might need jeter to really prep you for this acting role ;)

I know right. :lachen: I've used the misty eyes to get my way with doctors a few times but I might throw a fit this time if I don't get what I want.

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MrsS said:
Ok, will do! :yep: Will my doctor just go with the flow or look at me like I'm crazy for asking for all of these tests?

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*deep breath* You're gonna have to move your chi to get these tests done. :ohwell:
Ask for the tests a see what happens. If there's a reluctance, ANA is a check for autoimmune. Authritis is autoimmune. Tell him about your knees and how it hurts when it rains.
CBC is for general health :rolleyes: and u wanna check feritin to be sure your iron stores aren't low, cause you feel weak sometimes :thud: and cold :cold:

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JeterCrazed said:
*deep breath* You're gonna have to move your chi to get these tests done. :ohwell:
Ask for the tests a see what happens. If there's a reluctance, ANA is a check for autoimmune. Authritis is autoimmune. Tell him about your knees and how it hurts when it rains.
CBC is for general health :rolleyes: and u wanna check feritin to be sure your iron stores aren't low, cause you feel weak sometimes :thud: and cold :cold:

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All of the above are true for me except for the rain, but It's gonna be part of it at the doc's office. This cameo is gonna be easier than I thought. :lol:

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