Ladies who have been both relaxed and natural

Does your hair grow......?

  • faster when natural

    Votes: 47 27.5%
  • faster when relaxed

    Votes: 9 5.3%
  • about the same

    Votes: 83 48.5%
  • never took notice

    Votes: 32 18.7%

  • Total voters
My hair doesn't break as much now that I'm it retains more length which makes it appear to grow faster.

However, my growth rate has remained the same. About a half inch a month, sometimes a tinsy bit more.

It grows the same. Length retention is what would change probably depending on the different techniques you use (frequent washing, protective styling, how you comb your hair, etc)
My hair grows the same either way. The difference is as a natural, there are no length retention issues like when relaxed.
I voted "faster when natural". I don't really think it actually grew faster, but I was able to retain more length while being natural so it looks like it grows faster. I think it has something to do with co-washing. Even when I hadn't had a perm for about 2 years my hair was about the same length, but I when I starting co-washing it starting getting longer and it still hasn't stopped. :grin:
Grew at the same rate. I definately think I retained more natural because it was wet almost daily, unmanipulated for weeks at a time and I never ever used heat. I also NEVER trimmed because split ends were never a problem. However the shrinkage was so crazy it didn't matter cause it grew 'out' not 'down' and was shoulder length even when it was bra strap. :lachen:
I'm not going to say that my hair grows faster now that I'm natural, but my hair is much longer now than when I was relaxed. I have a sensitive scalp and I distinctly remember breakage in certain areas and burning when I relaxed. My hair was in overall good shape but I do believe that I'd get the occassional breakage. That said, since I no longer relax, I have no scalp issues. My hair experiences breakage only when I wait too long to wash my hair which is rarely and hence, I retain more hair.
My hair grows faster now that I'm natural. When I was relaxed, I did all the no-nos because of ignorance. I hot-curled everyday, I retouched every 6-8 weeks overlapping, my hair appeared healthy, but it was not healthy at all :nono:.
Exactly - I agree 100%. I started out with a relaxer - it took me forever to get to neck length - granted my hair was really damaged when I started. It took me about 2 years to get to shoulder length with lots of body and bounce (my hair grows really slowly!). I BC 13 months ago and I am now almost at the same length as my relaxed length. Natural hair grows at the same rate but without the issues that goes with a relaxer so it's easier to retain length.

I voted "faster when natural". I don't really think it actually grew faster, but I was able to retain more length while being natural so it looks like it grows faster. I think it has something to do with co-washing. Even when I hadn't had a perm for about 2 years my hair was about the same length, but I when I starting co-washing it starting getting longer and it still hasn't stopped. :grin:
I don't think my hair grew any faster when I was natural, but I definitely retained a lot more length than I do now so it seemed like it was growing faster...
i voted faster as natural but i should have said it was about the same. i don't believe quitting relaxers effected my actual growth rate. however, it did effect my length retention. i retain length better as a natural than as a relaxed head.
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I think they might grow at the same rate but I think more hair is retained on my natural head. That's where the length wins over the relaxed. I never had a problem growing my hair, it was retaining it. Relaxers made my hair shed out A LOT! Since I'm natural it doesn't shed anymore. So now I'm getting to longer lengths quicker.
At the same rate but longer because it's not dry and overprocessed as it was relaxed. And NO scalp issues anymore either:drunk: No more dandruff or itchy scalp:spinning:
I think relaxed hair shows length quicker. Shrinkage makes long natural hair look shorter. In my case I couldn't see length quick enough as a natural and relaxed. I regretted it and began my transition shortly thereafter.
I agree with Cichelle I don't think my hair gorws faster now that I am natural. My hair has grown a lot longer as a natural than when I was relaxing.
My grows at the same rate when relaxed but I do believe that I retained more length more easily when natural. also I wasn't watching and measuring every month so it just seemed like it grew overnight.
I have been natural, fully-relaxed, and now, texlaxed. My hair grows at the same rate, but I retain much more length now, especially with the haircare knowledge I have gained from this site.