Ladies who don't trim frequently, how do you do it?


New Member
I see alot of ladies here go for many months w/o trimming their hair while still maintiaing thick, healthy ends. HOW DO YOU DO IT???? Without fail, at the 4 wks post, my ends act crazy. The last 1/2 inch of my hair bends up which I've been told means that the bend is a weak point where my hair will break. I can't go through 4 wks without seeing those little 1/2 inch ends. I airdry my hair and the only heat i use if for my DC or steam from my Carusso's, I also moisturize my ends w/ either jojoba or almond oil. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Please help.
Do you wear your hair up in a style that protects your ends? That's what I do most of the time and I haven't trimmed in over a year. I am also extremely gentle with my hair as far as combing is concerned. In general I go for little manipulation. HTH.

ETA: Do you do protein treatments? My hair can't tolerate them, so I use henna instead. Perhaps you should evaluate the moisture/protein balance of your regimen.
I haven't trimmed since November 2005. I mostly wear buns. I've been using some castor oil on my ends for the past 4 months or so and my hair likes that.

Someone has mentioned that airdrying on rollers or one big roller helped to keep their ends smooth.

LadyJ76 said:
I see alot of ladies here go for many months w/o trimming their hair while still maintiaing thick, healthy ends. HOW DO YOU DO IT???? Without fail, at the 4 wks post, my ends act crazy. The last 1/2 inch of my hair bends up which I've been told means that the bend is a weak point where my hair will break. I can't go through 4 wks without seeing those little 1/2 inch ends. I airdry my hair and the only heat i use if for my DC or steam from my Carusso's, I also moisturize my ends w/ either jojoba or almond oil. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Please help.

Believe it or not, the steam from my Carusso's is the culprit for me. I realized when I did not use them, my ends were fine but when I did my ends were frazzled. My hair did not like those rollers at all. I have not used them in a month and haven't had the problem.
Cichelle said:
Do you wear your hair up in a style that protects your ends? That's what I do most of the time and I haven't trimmed in over a year. I am also extremely gentle with my hair as far as combing is concerned. In general I go for little manipulation. HTH.

ETA: Do you do protein treatments? My hair can't tolerate them, so I use henna instead. Perhaps you should evaluate the moisture/protein balance of your regimen.

At this point my hair is too short to wear protective styles. My hair is in layers and the longest part is in the back which touchs the the bottome of my neck. I am trying to get to shoulder length so that I am able to bun, baggie etc... It is long enough to get into a smaller clip and twist up a bit, should I just go w/ that?

I do think that I need to figure out this whole protein/moisture balance thing. I have read Supergirl's thread and I am still confused. Mostly my hair acts dry, but when it is wet it feel super soft. I tested a wet strand and it did stretch, so it seems to have elasticity, maybe too much? But it is the ends that seem to snap off. I'm going to have to do some experimenting. I just bought some DuoTex last weekend, but I was going to try the moisture route first to see if it made a difference.
Kenedie said:
Believe it or not, the steam from my Carusso's is the culprit for me. I realized when I did not use them, my ends were fine but when I did my ends were frazzled. My hair did not like those rollers at all. I have not used them in a month and haven't had the problem.


Okay, I just looked at your FOTKI and your wet set was gorgeous. So have you stopped using the Carusso's all together? Did they dry out all of your hair or just the ends? Will the flexi rods work on shorter hair as well? Sorry for all the questions, but I've got to find something to get me through this in between hair stage. I'm really discouraged right now.
I trim...but now I look at the ends and trim individual's time consuming, but worth it.
1god1 said:
I trim...but now I look at the ends and trim individual's time consuming, but worth it.


Do you trim the ends that are obviously split only or also the ones that are bent?
OT: KEN... I gots to get those flexi rods girlfriend! Beautimous

OK back on top...I've been wondering about this too cause I said I was gonna go a year with no scissors ... right now I'm at about 3 months, and I'm wondering if I'm doing the right thing. So I'm bumping for more responses.

Mainly bunning or french rolling my hair with profective healthy ends has helped. I also use surge ultra max on the ends sometimes when wearing protective styles. Oil alone doesnt do it for me.
I moisturise my hair and wear bun with baggie trick and i only take my hair down when i wash it, once every two weeks.
LadyJ76 said:

Do you trim the ends that are obviously split only or also the ones that are bent?

I dust individual hairs, and I dust the ones that are split as well as bent/crinkled/knotted/etc. (I have a "split ends" chart in my Fokti, with pics of all the various types of split ends).

I dont trim that often, but I wear a bun nearly everyday.... which protects the ends tremendously. I make certain to moisturize several times a week, and do a big protein treatment after each touch-up.

Despite protecting my ends, the ends of my hair are still thinner (although not split). I do plan to trim once Ive passed my goal....but for now Im not in a rush, since I know the ends are damaged per se.
1god1 said:
I trim...but now I look at the ends and trim individual's time consuming, but worth it.

i thought i was the only one who did this...

i usually cut off anything split and anything obviously about to split. i know its time consuming but if i dont i end up picking at my ends anyway
Well ladies, I think I'm going to have to trim that 1/2 inch of mess off my hair. I am so dissapointed. I really wanted to try to get some length going. I tried dusting, but since my hair is short I can't really see all that i need to. I would love to be where any of you ladies are right now sl, apl even, full collarbone. It sounds silly, but if feel so sad about this, I just can't seem to get it right.

My new goal as of tomorrow will be to at least stretch my relaxer to 8-9 wks (now 4 wks post) and not trim until 1/22/06 (4 months.) Hopefully w/ your advice I can maintain my ends until then.
I was gonna say the caruso's may be the culprit as well. I have noticed that castor oil has helped my ends a lot.
Kenedie said:
Believe it or not, the steam from my Carusso's is the culprit for me. I realized when I did not use them, my ends were fine but when I did my ends were frazzled. My hair did not like those rollers at all. I have not used them in a month and haven't had the problem.

Perhaps, you should use end wraps. They allow you hair to become smoother as it sets. When I don't use them, it looks like I need a trim when in fact I should use the end papers. I got this from SerenityBreeze (on here) and it worked.
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I see alot of ladies here go for many months w/o trimming their hair while still maintiaing thick, healthy ends. HOW DO YOU DO IT???? Without fail, at the 4 wks post, my ends act crazy. The last 1/2 inch of my hair bends up which I've been told means that the bend is a weak point where my hair will break. I can't go through 4 wks without seeing those little 1/2 inch ends. I airdry my hair and the only heat i use if for my DC or steam from my Carusso's, I also moisturize my ends w/ either jojoba or almond oil. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Please help

Hair-perts correct me if I'm wrong..but moisturize with water based & seal with oil.
If you wear your hair out alot you may try alternating w/protective styles.
How do you waer you hair when you sleep?
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LadyJ76 said:

Do you trim the ends that are obviously split only or also the ones that are bent?

Yes...I cut the ones that are bent. I don't find a lot of those, mainly splits. I've also started to trim the white bulbs at the ends. I just have to cut down on manipulating my hair inbetween washes...which is hard.
sherylin123 said:
I see alot of ladies here go for many months w/o trimming their hair while still maintiaing thick, healthy ends. HOW DO YOU DO IT???? Without fail, at the 4 wks post, my ends act crazy. The last 1/2 inch of my hair bends up which I've been told means that the bend is a weak point where my hair will break. I can't go through 4 wks without seeing those little 1/2 inch ends. I airdry my hair and the only heat i use if for my DC or steam from my Carusso's, I also moisturize my ends w/ either jojoba or almond oil. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Please help

Hair-perts correct me if I'm wrong..but moisturize with water based & seal with oil.
If you wear your hair out alot you may try alternating w/protective styles.
How do you waer you hair when you sleep?
Yeah I noticed that too. Oils only act as a sealant, they don't moisturize.
1god1 said:
I've also started to trim the white bulbs at the ends.

White bulbs at the ends of the hair? I've never heard of this. Can you explain?

Also (for anyone), where can I buy castor oil? Thinking about trying some.
sherylin123 said:
I see alot of ladies here go for many months w/o trimming their hair while still maintiaing thick, healthy ends. HOW DO YOU DO IT???? Without fail, at the 4 wks post, my ends act crazy. The last 1/2 inch of my hair bends up which I've been told means that the bend is a weak point where my hair will break. I can't go through 4 wks without seeing those little 1/2 inch ends. I airdry my hair and the only heat i use if for my DC or steam from my Carusso's, I also moisturize my ends w/ either jojoba or almond oil. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Please help

Hair-perts correct me if I'm wrong..but moisturize with water based & seal with oil.
If you wear your hair out alot you may try alternating w/protective styles.
How do you waer you hair when you sleep?


When I sleep I put my hair in a scrungi, after moisturizing my hair, or what I thought was moisturizing. I sleep with a satin bonnet on my head and even have a satin pillow case on my pillow just in case the bonnet falls off.

I've scheduled my trim for tonight, once that's taken care of I will moisturize the ends and then seal w/ oil. I didn't realize that the oil wasn't enough. Hopefully, this will be the key. Thank you for that tip I think a lightbulb just went on over my head.;)
LadyJ76 said:

Okay, I just looked at your FOTKI and your wet set was gorgeous. So have you stopped using the Carusso's all together? Did they dry out all of your hair or just the ends? Will the flexi rods work on shorter hair as well? Sorry for all the questions, but I've got to find something to get me through this in between hair stage. I'm really discouraged right now.

Oooo...why did I just see this post!?! I am so sorry!! Lady, if you are around..I did stop using Carusso's all together and I stopped bunning. My hair just does not like either of those things. They only dried out my ends. I think Flexi rods will work on short hair. My friend used them and I loved her curls but she didnt. I think she should have gave it some time to get use to the affect. My wet sets look much better the 2nd and 3rd day out. I pray that you are still around. I am sending you a PM right now! Please forgive me!!!
Any other ladies out here that find they don't have to trim hair often :confused:. I haven't had my hair trimmed since the end of January...which makes me mad really since my old stylist used to cut my hair every 12 weeks after a touch up!! I always used to get home and say where is all my hair!?
czyfaith77 said:
Perhaps, you should use end wraps. They allow you hair to become smoother as it sets. When I don't use them, it looks like I need a trim when in fact I should use the end papers. I got this from SerenityBreeze (on here) and it worked.

Agreeing with this- I have found that if I dont use end papers, my hair looks frizzy on the ends, and sticks to the rollers as I am removing them. Using end papers makes all the difference. I wrap the paper around the roller as opposed to around my ends.