Ladies Who Don't Deep Condition...


Ayurvedic Life recent hair wash over this past weekend confused me. I prepoo'd my hair using a steam cap using NJOY on my roots and Ojon on my length for about 1 hr.

Ojon Restorative Hair Treatment (deeply treats and restores damaged hair)....well that's how my hair felt. I shampoo using African black soap to remove the heavy oils. When I got out the shower to towel dry my hair, it felt incredibly soft, clean, and moisturized. I was impressed. After DCing w/ a conditioner, my hair felt stringy and tangly.

Technically, the Ojon oil is a deep treatment. Is there a need to still DC? Ladies, why do you not DC? Do certain prepoo treatments require no DC? Are conditioners no longer the only form to get a DC (meaning deep treatments and DC are one in the same)?
If you pre-poo and then cleanse, use a gentle conditioning cleanser so that the effects of the DC remain your hair. African black soap is more of a gentle clarifying cleanser in my opinion.

When I don't DC, this is how I go about it.

ETA: If your hair is easily weighed down (due to having a looser curl pattern, finer hair, or a relaxer) a hot oil treatment can count as a deep conditioner because conditioning yet again on top of that may cause stringiness.
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If your hair feels fine after cleansing the prepoo than do what makes your hair respond well because anytime I cleanse after anything my hair doesn't feel moisturized
When I was relaxed, I regularly deep conditioned on dry hair then shampooed with a gentle shampoo. My hair did ok
^^ Ditto.

I prepoo'd with AO GPB, cleansed with a conditioning shampoo (like CON) and put a rinse out conditioner and rollerset. BOOM, I was done..
Wow ladies, been on LHCF since Jan 2007 and I learned somethin new. Thanks so much.

I guess there's no set rule on how to DC and when to DC. =D

I'll try it again this weekend.
Oh my, I'd be scared NOT to condition. My old school beautician from loooonnnngg ago said that it was a cardinal rule if you shampooed it was a MUST that you follow up with a conditioner. Interesting, you do learn something new everyday!
I don't strictly DC. I use AOHSR to DC on dry hair before I wash. Then I wash and use a rinse out conditioner. Then I rinse with ACV then water and then put in my leave ins. So far it's working for me and it's so much less trouble than DCing after I wash and having to get back in the shower to rinse.
I don't make a habit but this past time I washed I used a liquid black soap and it left my hair so soft I didn't even dry with any product when I styled after air drying in twist I use minimal product and my usually dry hair is very moist. This could be due to the fact that my hair was greasy and weighed down after my dc from the weekend though
I rarely DC, not proud about it though. I do try to slather up my hair with coconut oil before washing and my hair seems to be doing fine.
I don't use conditioner period. I'm pretty much allergic to a lot of conditioners and too lazy to make my own. I just rinse my hair really well with water, add grapeseed and castor oil, detangle, and restyle my hair. Been doing it for a few months now. My hair seems to stay moisturize and I'm not suffering...yet. No splits and no tangles as of now. Until I see a dermatologist, I really don't feel like experimenting with products right now.