Ladies, what's wrong with this pic? Please help


Hi ladies,
I did a blow dry and hot press to do a trim and length check and almost bust out crying when I saw the back of my head. I'm protective styling with a wig and the comb in the wig broke my hair off. Please advise on what I should or shouldn't be doing, I really like protective styling with wigs but I may have to give it up. Sorry for the large pic. Thanks

Sorry to hear about your experience with wigs. i am such a wig advocate i think the are a great protective style.Have you tried platting your hair down while wearing wigs? Or moisturizing the nape of your hair?

Truth is wigs can be very drying to the hair. But, with the proper care they are fine. I wear one at least 4 times a week.

Sorry it I wasnt any assistance.But, dont get discouraged your hair will grow back.

Sorry to hear about your hair. What is your regimen while wearing the wigs and how are you protecting your hair underneath? Also, do you have a picture of your hair before this to compare to? Maybe it's not as bad as you think!
Sorry about your setback. This is why I always always tell everyone to take the combs out of their wig, especially in the back.

I think wigs are a great protective style so if you're going to continue to use them, take the combs out and pin them on with bobby pins. Also, for extra protection you should put castor oil on the pins so that they slide through your hair easily and don't get caught on it.

Also, what's your regimen while in wigs?
I'm really sorry that this happened to you. I protective style w/ wigs as well. I have two wigs, but neither of them have a comb. I put on a satin bonnet on my hair (which I keep braided while wearing the wigs) & then I put on the wig. How do you wear your hair underneath? What's your regimen?
Sorry to hear about your experience with wigs. i am such a wig advocate i think the are a great protective style.Have you tried platting your hair down while wearing wigs? Or moisturizing the nape of your hair?

Truth is wigs can be very drying to the hair. But, with the proper care they are fine. I wear one at least 4 times a week.

Sorry it I wasnt any assistance.But, dont get discouraged your hair will grow back.

Thanks you were a great help, to be honest I ran out of my moisturizer a month or so ago and I haven't bought any since. But I use vatika oil, is that enough?
Thanks you were a great help, to be honest I ran out of my moisturizer a month or so ago and I haven't bought any since. But I use vatika oil, is that enough?

No, it probably isn't enough, especially if you don't dc often. What's the rest of your regimen?

Sorry to hear about your hair. What is your regimen while wearing the wigs and how are you protecting your hair underneath? Also, do you have a picture of your hair before this to compare to? Maybe it's not as bad as you think!

Hi thank so much, here's my reggie,

Shampoo 1x week w/ deep moisturizing conditioner, hot oil and leave in
Ayurveda mask and tea 2x week
Co-washing 6x week

I don't have a beginning pic of the back of my head, but attahed is one from a few months ago. Please let me know what you think


Sorry about your setback. This is why I always always tell everyone to take the combs out of their wig, especially in the back.

I think wigs are a great protective style so if you're going to continue to use them, take the combs out and pin them on with bobby pins. Also, for extra protection you should put castor oil on the pins so that they slide through your hair easily and don't get caught on it.

Also, what's your regimen while in wigs?

Hi Msa,
Thanks for asking because I forgot to include that I do wear a netted wig cap. I don't like the "panty hose material" type because they give me headaches. Thanks I never knew I should have took the combs out, but I'm literally doing it right now. Thanks again
No, it probably isn't enough, especially if you don't dc often. What's the rest of your regimen?

Wow thanks, never even thought of that

I do a deep conditioner after my avurveda mask and after the tea but I don't leave it on long maybe 5 to 10 minutes.
Sorry about your setback. This is why I always always tell everyone to take the combs out of their wig, especially in the back.

I think wigs are a great protective style so if you're going to continue to use them, take the combs out and pin them on with bobby pins. Also, for extra protection you should put castor oil on the pins so that they slide through your hair easily and don't get caught on it.

Also, what's your regimen while in wigs?

When I used to wear a phony pony I took out the comb, they seem to pull your hair something fierce. So sorry about your misshap! :(
Looking at your pics, you've definitely made progress.

Hi thank so much, here's my reggie,

Shampoo 1x week w/ deep moisturizing conditioner, hot oil and leave in
Ayurveda mask and tea 2x week
Co-washing 6x week

First off, I think you're doing A LOT to your hair. And I wonder if it is all 1)necessary and 2)beneficial. I don't know the ingredients in your products and your ayurveda stuff but I'm wondering if some of them are contributing to dryness, which can lead to breakage (and I'm sure the wig combs didn't help.

Second, wetting your hair everyday could be making it weaker. Some people's hair thrives on that but for others it's way too much manipulation, mainly because hair is more stretchy when wet.

Sometimes, simpler is better. Washing (if necessary) and deep conditioning with a really good conditioner once a week and then moisturizing throughout the week is better for some people.
I would like to know the specific products you are using.

Thanks for responding, I'm a product junkie but here's the rundown on what I'm using as of the last month or so.

Shampoo is nexxuss therapee 1x week
Deep conditioner is Prosys Kera Pack Treatment (the green jar)
Ayurveda mask consists of: shikaki amla, coconut milk an alberto elixir cond.

Protein (egyptian gold) 1x every four weeks

Clarify (Redken hair cleansing cream) 1x three weeks

Co-washes Alberto Elixir line, I got if from my UK lhcf sistas'

I ran out of leave in so I've been using vatika oil until I can get more. Please let me know if I should add or take something away
Hi thank so much, here's my reggie,

Shampoo 1x week w/ deep moisturizing conditioner, hot oil and leave in
Ayurveda mask and tea 2x week
Co-washing 6x week

I don't have a beginning pic of the back of my head, but attahed is one from a few months ago. Please let me know what you think



Maybe I'm wrong, but it looks like you retained your length and it grew a bit. Your hair is still longer than it was in December. Do you see a lot of shed hairs on the floor when you are manipulating? Does your hair feel soft and moisturized? Is it in a better overall condition that it was 6 months ago? If so, then you are doing it right. You and only you will know what's best for your hair. If you need to tweak things a bit, now is the time to do it. I'm glad you are observant and noticed what appeared to be a change in your eyes. Your hair (and length) will thank you for it later. :grin:
So you shampoo 1x a week, use shikakai 2x a week, and then clarify 1x a month?

I think part of the problem is you are seriously over cleaning your hair and stripping it of all its moisture.

I don't know anything about the ingredients in your products, but I really think you need to scale wayyyyyyy back and just go back to the basics. Also, I think to DC you need to be spending more than 5-10 mins. I know my Aubrey Organics says 15 mins on dry hair, so I think at least 15 mins is necessary, but you also have to be using something that is formulated for dc'ing.
Maybe I'm wrong, but it looks like you retained your length and it grew a bit. Your hair is still longer than it was in December. Do you see a lot of shed hairs on the floor when you are manipulating? Does your hair feel soft and moisturized? Is it in a better overall condition that it was 6 months ago? If so, then you are doing it right. You and only you will know what's best for your hair. If you need to tweak things a bit, now is the time to do it. I'm glad you are observant and noticed what appeared to be a change in your eyes. Your hair (and length) will thank you for it later. :grin:

Hi Miss Reecie,
Thank you, yes I've got some length and I'm happy for it, I just really wish I had grown more hair. No I haven't seen to many hairs in the sink and when I'm home from work, I immediately take the wig off, so my hair can breath. For the most part yes my hair does feel moisturized but at the end of the day it is pretty dry. Maybe a good moisturizer will help.
So you shampoo 1x a week, use shikakai 2x a week, and then clarify 1x a month?

I think part of the problem is you are seriously over cleaning your hair and stripping it of all its moisture.

I don't know anything about the ingredients in your products, but I really think you need to scale wayyyyyyy back and just go back to the basics. Also, I think to DC you need to be spending more than 5-10 mins. I know my Aubrey Organics says 15 mins on dry hair, so I think at least 15 mins is necessary, but you also have to be using something that is formulated for dc'ing.

Wow again, you're right I'm over washing my hair. I will eliminate the 1x week shampoo and lengthen my conditioning time. Thanks again Miss Msa, I really appreciate it. I never looked at it that way. And considering I'm haven't moisturized in over month doesn't help either.
I think your hair looks like it has grown. I know it's hard seeing all these beatiful heads of hair, and still having short hair, but it all will come in due time. Set expectations that are realistic to you and your hair and you should be fine. Besides that I agree with MSA you should definitely remove the wig clips and consider cutting way back on on the amount of manipulation.
Thanks to everyone and please keep the advice coming. I learned so much, cut back on the shampooing and manipulation and lengthen the conditioning time.
Ok here's the big question, should I cut the back or leave it alone for now?
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Thanks to everyone and please keep the advise coming. I learned so much, cut back on the shampooing and manipulation.
Ok here's the big question, should I cut the back or leave it alone for now?

Why would you cut it? Don't be scissor happy for no good reason. If your hair isn't damaged, leave it alone.

About your regimen. You're right about cutting back on shampooing and manipulation. I don't know how good your dc is, but make sure the ingredients are good and that you are using it for an ample amount of time. Also, get a moisturizer.
Based on the second set of pics, it looks like you're growing out damaged hair. I say that b/c I can see the same shape in the second set that I do in the first.

I'm certain everyone else gave you some great advice, so all I can recommend is that you be a little more patient while the rest of the damaged hair grows out.

Oh and keep your hair coated (oil/leave-in/moisturizer/ect) to prevent the weak hair from further breakage.
Thanks Soul Flower, but I don't think its all damaged hair. The initial pics is almost like a bc, its all virgin hair that maybe received heat 3 or 4 times this year. Plus a little side note, I must confess, I suck at pressing and flat ironinng my hair. I can never get it straight and it always has this frizziness. I've been growing out a twa for a while and although I've had breakage from the comb of the wig its not damaged. And my hair does grow weird, I asked about the lopesideness of my growth earlier in the year and found out I'm not alone. But thank you again and you're right I have to excercise patience and continue listen to my hair.
i think you need more moisturizer. I don't wear wigs, but i do know that I need to put conditioner in my hair twice a day when wearing a draw string. Hope everything works out for you.
i think you need more moisturizer. I don't wear wigs, but i do know that I need to put conditioner in my hair twice a day when wearing a draw string. Hope everything works out for you.

Thanks loveurself,
Yes I agree, I really dropped the ball on moisturizing my hair. But I'm all over it now and my hair is thanking me. I removed the combs and I had no breakage, so I'm triple happy about that. Thanks
Re: Ladies, what's wrong with this pic? **UPDATE**

Ladies thank you so much for the great advice you all gave me a few months ago. Well I'm here to report some progress. Remember I was horrified over losing hair to the teeth of the comb in my wigs. Well check out my difference in two months. Thanks Again Ladies for all the help you've given. So sorry for the big pic
