Ladies what do ya'll think


a friend of my wants to color(semi perm) her 4 year old daughter's hair black because she says her hair color is too dull and makes her hair look dry:huh: My response was she's only a child so what why even worry about it:perplexed:, her reponse was it's only a rinse and it won't hurt i think her hair will look healthier. Unfortunatley:rolleyes:I think she got the idea from me, I mentioned that I liked to keep [size=+2]my[/size] hair darker because it looks healthier, fuller and shiny. So ladies am I overreacting?
I think it's one thing for an adult to make the decision that they don't like his/her hair color and then change it, but to do that to a child? I personally don't think that is a good idea! I know what both you and her are talking about, because I really feel that darker colors make my hair look better. I just couldn't imagine dyeing my 4 year old's hair. It's just not that serious. Just out of curiosity, is the girl's hair dull in appearance or is it really just dry?
cincy ,I think it's dull in appearance and my daughter's hair is similar just adifferent texture, with her it's more about looks and since her daughter doesn't have "good hair" she tries her best to have it looking as good as possible, i would never do that to my daughter's hair i spend enough time keeping it cleaned, moisturized and protected to even think about putting a chemical in it nevermind it's supposed to be a deposit only color, we can't trust these product companies nowadays, I'd rather experiment on myself than my child
healthy natural hair doesnt necessarily blind u with shine...and i wouldnt dye her hair at that age cuz it may get in her eyes...its hard to wash a small child's hair period...dye running in their eyes would be horror...if she were a bit older...then i say cool
hair color has lead in it lead is known to cause problems in kids why doesnt this crazy ***** get some oil or something if she dyes it it wont just look dry it will be dry you are not over reacting this chick is twisted. how bout she worry about teaching her daughter to read or tie her shoes or positive self esteem or something like that. :ill:
Well i'm pretty sure alot of the ladies from this board have tried to share their new found wealth of info to others on how to take care of our hair properly and i'm pretty sure you get the same reaction i get, some people act as if they aren't interested or pretend they are and then determine it's too much work and stick to their old (reckless) routines. So like the old saying goes "You can lead a mule to water, but you can't force him to drink"