Ladies w/ thick hair how do you react when....


New Member get people commenting on how "thick" your hair is?

It's always awkward for me. :ohwell: People always sound shocked or something, it just really weirds me out. Like.....your hair is so thick! got some thick hair!

And then I'm just like.........:perplexed......yeah......I know...dotdotdot.

It's just awkward! I can never tell what the whole point of making that comment is, but it is something I've heard all my life. I've always thought it was something bad until I learned apparently people with thinner hair would like thicker hair? I don't know, tbh, I'm still confused why ladies seem to be amazed. Again, just awkward.:blush:

Do you guys get comments like this? If so, how do ya respond? get people commenting on how "thick" your hair is?

It's always awkward for me. :ohwell: People always sound shocked or something, it just really weirds me out. Like.....your hair is so thick! got some thick hair!

And then I'm just like.........:perplexed......yeah......I know...dotdotdot.

It's just awkward! I can never tell what the whole point of making that comment is, but it is something I've heard all my life. I've always thought it was something bad until I learned apparently people with thinner hair would like thicker hair? I don't know, tbh, I'm still confused why ladies seem to be amazed. Again, just awkward.:blush:

Do you guys get comments like this? If so, how do ya respond?

It's not shock , it's admiration. Take it as a compliment and don't over think it.:ohwell:
I've gotten it so much since I was a kid, it doesn't phase me. I've never had it been said in a negative manner. Well, okay, maybe said in a questionable manner by hairdressers intimidated by it's greatness, but :censored: them, they don't count.

I take it as a positive since no one takes hair vitamins or buys conditioner for thinner hair.

ETA: Just say 'thank you' and then change the subject if it makes you feel uncomfortable.
Its def a compliment....everyone wants thick hair...thats why WW need to put weave in :look:

My mom always says I have thick hair and I tell her I dont!!! My natural hair gives the appearance of looking thick, and then when I flat iron I look like the chick from The Ring. The ladies on here with the best hair def have thick hair :yep:
Most times I beam and say thanks! I was recently at a BSS searching for the best hair to use to put my moms hair in a long term PS and my hair was in a lightly blown out bantu knot out so it was this huge mass of thickness by the time I got in there and when I got to the register there was this lady with her daughter and she was like whoa she got some thick ole hair! I turned and was like thanks!:grin: lol she said you're welcome.

I think its usually meant as a positive thing and people are just stating the obvious, when you have very thick hair or natural big hair, you do stand apart because the vast majority of the women you see out there are overprocessed and see-thru so when they see someone with very thick full hair its I get it.

When I was little, my peers would relentlessly taunt me about my hair but older ladies would stop my mom in the middle of the street and compliment her on how thick and beautiful my hair I was very uncomfortable with my hair as a little girl because I always got such hell for having thick hair....but as I got older and really became fascinated with hair and explored the styles I couls achieve I realized what a blessing my thick hair is so now I absolutely adore ,my thickness I feel fortunate to have it:yep:
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Take it as a compliment and don't overthink it

On another note, not everyone wants thick hair. My hair isn't thick and I don't want it to be any thicker. I'm happy with what I have. So no, not everyone wants what you have. But if they're commenting on it, chances are it's some sort of appreciation.
I wish my hair was thick - I just think thicker hair (when it's cared for) looks more lush and healthy.
i used to hear that all the time when i was younger. i had soooooo much hair!

i would hear it as a compliment and as a negative "whoa child your hair is too darn thick! how many combs you break a week?"

in fact the part of the reason i stayed going natural (i say stayed because the start was an accident lol) was because i missed my thickness. unfortunately it appears that my thickness must have changed with age or it was permanently altered by the relaxers cause my hair isnt even half as thick as it used to be :(
I get that alot but i just smile and say thank you. To me it's a compliment. I know when i've said it to other's , i always meant it as a compliment.
Most times I beam and say thanks! I was recently at a BSS searching for the best hair to use to put my moms hair in a long term PS and my hair was in a lightly blown out bantu knot out so it was this huge mass of thickness by the time I got in there and when I got to the register there was this lady with her daughter and she was like whoa she got some thick ole hair! I turned and was like thanks!:grin: lol she said you're welcome.

I think its usually meant as a positive thing and people are just stating the obvious, when you have very thick hair or natural big hair, you do stand apart because the vast majority of the women you see out there are overprocessed and see-thru so when they see someone with very thick full hair its I get it.

When I was little, my peers would relentlessly taunt me about my hair but older ladies would stop my mom in the middle of the street and compliment her on how thick and beautiful my hair I was very uncomfortable with my hair as a little girl because I always got such hell for having thick hair....but as I got older and really became fascinated with hair and explored the styles I couls achieve I realized what a blessing my thick hair is so now I absolutely adore ,my thickness I feel fortunate to have it:yep:

I can relate! Thank you so much for this post!

I guess I will shrug it off. It's just always been sort of weird to me! Especially as a kid because I hated my hair when it was longer than 2 weeks post relaxer, so I compared my hair to other kids. So I always thought thick was automatically "bad" since I viewed my hair that way. I'm only recently learning about all of this, lol.

Take it as a compliment and don't overthink it

On another note, not everyone wants thick hair. My hair isn't thick and I don't want it to be any thicker. I'm happy with what I have. So no, not everyone wants what you have. But if they're commenting on it, chances are it's some sort of appreciation.

.........nowhere did I say everyone wants what I have. I didn't even understand the whole thick/thin thing until recently, hence the question mark.
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Comments like that are compliements. Or at least that's how I mean it when I say it. I always assumed that thick hair was preferred over thin hair. Nobody would ever walk up to someone and say, "Wow, your hair is sooo thin." ya know.

But I have also ran across a chick or two copped an attitude when it was said to them. Oh well...I'll keep my compliments to myself.:look:
I can relate! Thank you so much for this post!

I guess I will shrug it off. It's just always been sort of weird to me!

.........nowhere did I say everyone wants what I have. I didn't even understand the whole thick/thin thing until recently, hence the question mark.

I didn't say you did, hence the "On another note" part :yep:
It is what it is. I don't really think too much about the comment. I usually just say, yeah I know or it's always been that way or IDK something general.
At this stage in my life I totally believe they are giving you a compliment. When I was younger, in about grade 7 or 8, before my relaxer days I use to pray for less dense hair. Now, all I can say is be careful what you pray for cus the Lord does answer prayers...I'm now praying for fuller hair, so Lord ummmmmmm.........
Depending on how it's said and who it comes from, I take it as a compliment. I don't like it when I get charged extra because of it. Now that makes having thick hair almost a bad thing, and I'm punished for it by paying more. WTH!! That I do not like and I don't think it's fair. It's like a double edged sword, as stylists have said, "Oh you got some hair on you!!" and then acted like it was a problem or burden and damaged my hair in the process trying to "control it" or thin it out.
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I say, "Thank you". When I used to go to the stylists and they hemmed and hawed as if it was a bad thing, I still said "Thank you" and ignored them.

It is definitely a compliment :yep:
If only people would tell me my hair's thick! My natural hair was very thick, but when I relaxed it for the first time in years last year it thinned out big time. Hopefully my hair will get back its thickness. So yeah, I'm envious of all you thick haired ladies. Take it as a compliment. :)
I appreciate the compliment....but sometimes it bugs the very heck out of me....when the same person says it all the time.:whyme:

I KNOW that!!! lol
I'm used to it but it does make me feel a little uncomfortable. I got it from my dad's side of the family. My mom, who's hair is fine, used to wear me out telling me how thick my hair is. It really did get annoying because she'd turn around and say how she wishes she had thick hair. I always felt like it made her feel bad. So, I don't really get excited when someone says it. I feel like I'm almost apologizing and explaining "Yeah. I get it from my dad's side of the fam", like somebody just called me out on some hand-me-downs. Hmmmm. I have issues. :sad:

I do love the thickness tho. :lick: I just don't want anyone to feel less than because of it. :ohwell: Thanks, mom. :rolleyes:
I think that most people are giving you a compliment. I don't always say "thank you", I might simply say "yes, it is thick". It depends on how the person comes at me. One of my friends told me that she wouldn't be able to handle thick hair. Hey, she knows what she can handle. Me, since I've been transitioning almost a year now, words can't tell you how much I love the thickness of my hair. I didn't realize that it could get this thick. I absolutely adore it and hope that it gets thicker!
Depending on how it's said and who it comes from, I take it as a compliment. I don't like it when I get charged extra because of it. Now that makes having thick hair almost a bad thing, and I'm punished for it by paying more. WTH!! That I do not like and I don't think it's fair. It's like a double edged sword, as stylists have said, "Oh you got some hair on you!!" and then acted like it was a problem or burden and damaged my hair in the process trying to "control it" or thin it out.

I say, "Thank you". When I used to go to the stylists and they hemmed and hawed as if it was a bad thing, I still said "Thank you" and ignored them.

It is definitely a compliment :yep:

I can totally relate to these!

Stylists do make it seem like such a huge deal, and it normally (from my pov) came off as a "bad" thing. They acted as if it was such a hassle. While I know it is possibly more to deal with styling-wise, it is their job! If I were a stylist, I wouldn't want to make my client feel weird by negatively commenting on their general texture, etc. :ohwell:
I take it as a compliment, because alot of women often complain about their hair being thinner than they would like etc...

I can relate to all the posts (from the Thicker Tressed Lasses:grin:) I get it too.

Even after my Hair Fell out I got: "At least your hair is thick....So you can't tell as much.":nono: :blush:
I usually get this when I'm at the salon and they have just realized that my hair will take a little longer to do :( Usually it's said with a look of defeat.
I usually get this when I'm at the salon and they have just realized that my hair will take a little longer to do :( Usually it's said with a look of defeat.

:lachen::lachen: I remember one time I walked in to the salon, with a bun I believe. When the stylist took it down, she said "Girl, your hair faked me out!", with a HUGE frown on her face. She never answered my calls again for another appointment .... :ohwell:
Tanji;10477222[B said:
]I think that most people are giving you a compliment. I don't always say "thank you", I might simply say "yes, it is thick". It depends on how the person comes at me.[/B] One of my friends told me that she wouldn't be able to handle thick hair. Hey, she knows what she can handle. Me, since I've been transitioning almost a year now, words can't tell you how much I love the thickness of my hair. I didn't realize that it could get this thick. I absolutely adore it and hope that it gets thicker!

Me too. I honestly am not happy with all the thickness of my hair. (BKT did reduce the bulk however, another story).

When I was growing up my mother slapped a relaxer in my hair because of all the work it took to press and style. Stylists hated working on my hair and I always walked out looking like I had a bad wig on my head:nono:.

I eventually found the dominican salons that knew how to work on my head. Honestly only one woman had my hair looking fly. After transitioning for however many months I was, and I walked into that salon and she was gone.....I chopped my hair all off. Pulling it into a puff was a signature style hiding the bulkiness. Now I've found BKT so I rock my hair however I choose.
It's only awkward when they ask how I got it that way. It seems rude to reply "genetics" when I know they're looking for a product recommendation.

The only ones who go on and on about it are female relatives who still rave about how thick, jet black, and long my hair was as a newborn.

In general, I love my thick hair, but it gets tiresome when I break yet another ponytail holder from trying to loop it around more than once.