Ladies w/ brastrap or longer hair........

What has been your staple daily moisturizer? Ive used Ors Carrot Oil and Isoplus Castor Oil but I'm looking for something that will give me complete moisture and strength for my hair.
My staple was QB Sidr Butter but she is no longer making it. Ever since I finished my last jar of this I have been in search of something just as good. Kera Care's Creme Hairdress is ok when I am wearing my hair out. I'll be watching this thread closely.
I have a love hate relationship with most moisturizers, because most seem to only work for a while, then I end up dealing with weighed down hair. The best thing for me is to get enough moisture with DCs so that I have to worry less about moisturizing during the week. If they have protein, they eventually make my hair dry and or hard

The only "staples"
diluted elucence mb
sunsilk hydra tlc- I tend to use this when close to t/up time, but if I use it, I know I need to clarify the next wash.

I have used :
CD some of Marguerite's magic- stopped working for me. too heavy

BB pink lotion-too heavy, but does work
BB growth lotion- Lighter, but really not as moisturizing as I hoped.

I am always on the hunt for moisturizers