cut or not to cut, this is the ?


New Member
tell me what you think.....
so i was natural for 6mths and then in july/august, i relaxed. my scalp always itch and nothing i do or use work...i've tried just about errrthang:look:! but i've notice my natural hair can survive the treacherous itch/scratch battle and my poor relaxed hair can't...soooo with that said, i want to go back natural but i'm debating whether or not i should wait a year b4 i cut my relaxed ends off.
it's a setback i hate to have in my progress but i'm willing to sacrifice if need be.
what do you all think i should do?

oct 20

taken just now
I don't see how relaxing v. natural affects your scalp unless it's the chemicals from the relaxer aggravating it....

I say go natural, if that's your desire- grow it out as much as you can before cutting. I always had itchy scalp until I started pre-pooing with a mixture of conditioner and peppermint & eucalyptus oil (on scalp & hair) and shampooing more frequently. Good luck.
I say cut your loses and cut your hair. I see that you are expecting a baby, imagine how much time you will have to tend to the new baby with a low cut. Good luck.
it's not about natural vs. relax, i'm just saying my hair itself if breaking off like something vicious while i'm relaxed as opposed to when i was natural, my hair wouldn't break off since i scratch my hair which is b/c it itch. i have prepoo'd and peppermint is a no no, since i'm pregnant. for poo's, i've tried everyday, every other day, and many days in between and yet after 2days of no itches. i'm not looking for answers to my itch delima but as to whether or not you all think i should cut or keep.

ETA: thickhair that's a good suggestion...i do miss the poo n co, and the cow in betweens oh and the go about my biz. this would be sooooo helpful.
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I say cut your loses and cut your hair. I see that you are expecting a baby, imagine how much time you will have to tend to the new baby with a low cut. Good luck.

I agree. At that length it is now, you'd have to work hard to keep it together, just to end up cutting it off anyway. I'd go head and cut it. It'll be beautiful and just imagine how easy it'll be to wash and go. That has to be a plus with the new bundle of joy you'll have soon!! :yep:
In my opinion, transitioning should be a bit less treacherous for you because you're hair is neck length, so you wouldn't have to battle with the 2 textures as long, maybe you should try growing it out for 5 months and then chop it then, or just see how you feel at that point.