Ladies, this may be it...I may be APL!


New Member
Ladies, could you look at my second picture in my fotki in the last album and tell me if I've hit APL? Password: delish) My hair usually grows kind of fast. I have a little more than a 1/2 inch of new growth in that pic after four weeks and my hair is crinkled from sleeping on it, but I think I'm there! And 3 months early! I'm going to blow it out for Thanksgiving just to make sure. Yes, I'm breaking my no direct heat challenge, but I HAVE to know if I'm APL! Plus, I wanna look good for Thanksgiving, especially if I'm APL! I'm SOOOO excited! PLUS, I'm so used to not using direct heat that I'll probably only use it once every 3 months after my challenge. BTW, if I am at APL, I just wanna say thanks SOOOO much ladies! You are truly my princesses/knights! in shining armor!:grin:
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You made it!:creatures :weird: :bouncegre :dance7: :cheers:
Ok, enough. Congratulations!!!!!!! :lachen:
BTW, your hair looks great! I'm so happy for you!!!!! BSL, next stop!!!!!
Thanks ladies! Oh, and I just had my first hair dream! (Yes, I just woke up and I'm right back on LHCF like a crack addict even though I have an exam in like half an hour :user: :fan: ) I dreamed that my SO wanted to see my APL hair and I blew it out and it was an inch past APL! :lol:
YAY! Congrats on making it to APL! I'm sure your hair is going to be even longer than that once you get your relaxer, what a great Thankgiving surprise!

You've come such a long way, it's very inspirational and your hair is looking great! :o
Wishin I wanna see your pics but every time I click on your link I get the stupid error message, I don't know why :confused:
I can't see your fotki but congrats anyway!
What would you say made the difference in your hair growth this time around?
Alright Syleste! Congratulations to you! You've made it to APL!

(hint: if you omit the "www." in front of her fotki link, you should be able to get to the correct page. That's what I did.)
Doll said:
Alright Syleste! Congratulations to you! You've made it to APL!

(hint: if you omit the "www." in front of her fotki link, you should be able to get to the correct page. That's what I did.)

Thanks Doll - I can see it now!

Way To Go Syleste!!!
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Darn, why can't I get into your fotki.
I still want to send out big congrats on your growth.
Doll said:
Alright Syleste! Congratulations to you! You've made it to APL!

(hint: if you omit the "www." in front of her fotki link, you should be able to get to the correct page. That's what I did.)

Thanks Doll. I have it working.

Looking good OT!

Congrats on reaching this milestone, and I can't wait to see you reach BSL!
