Ladies that color their hair AND natural please come in....

Girl, I was out of control. :lachen: I think that's one of the cool things about fake hair. Now when I get the itching for red hair or blonde highlights, I just slap on a wig. But I have to admit, every so often when I'm in the drugstore and pass a box of Softsheen-Carson Hi Rez Hair Dye in "Scarlet Splash," I get a little itchy and have to repeat to myself "rinses are my friend, rinses are my friend."

I can imagine; once you get that fever, your hair just seems so............."normal" without any color in it. How often do you do rinses?

would temp. color be different?

I'm not really sure. Maybe some of the more seasoned color experts can chime in. (where are you Lady Speedstick???)

Although I have been getting highlights for about 6 years, I still don't consider myself "seasoned". My brother does my color and because I know he won't jack me up, I don't ask a lot of questions because I know I will get out of his chair with a great color job. I just put my head in his hands:grin:

Hey BlackBarbie, :wave:

I see you cut up to the 'good curly stuff'. Looks great!

:wave:Hi girly!!!
Every time I run my hands back there, I :giggle: when I think about you calling it the "good curly stuff"!

(I got my hair butter in today......After this lonnnnnggggg process with my hair tonight, I am going to try it! I'll let you know)

I may be late for this train and I thought I saw it discussed here once before (but can't seem to find the thread), but I have a theory about natural hair and color.

I declared myself completely natural in October 2009 after a 2 year and 9 month transition. I had been getting it snipped every 45 days and at the most, I got 4-5 inches cut at one time. My siggy is my hair flat ironed in October 2009. The last time I had my hair highlighted was March 2009.

I have been wearing wash n' go's and also doing braidouts. I noticed that some parts of my hair were straighter and/or wavier than other parts, especially in the very back. I knew the very back couldn't still be relaxed ends b/c I hadn't had a relaxer in 3 years. After letting a friend take a look at it, we came to the conclusion that the very nape was probably still relaxed. After all, I never really got a "hair cut" when I declared myself natural, I just judged by most of my relaxed ends being gone when wet (and the nape curled up, although wavy, when wet. If I brushed/combed it all the way out, it would be straight. For a minute, I just thought the back had a looser curl pattern than the rest of my hair). Well I cut about 7 inches off the nape because I figure that when I was getting snipped, he never bothered to lift the hair up and really cut the nape.




Although I am convinced that the portion of hair I cut still had relaxer on it, I wonder about the portions of my hair that are colored. In the last pic, I have my hair pinned on the top of my head but you can see the ends of the highlighted portions. (I am preparing to deep condition) If you are colored/highlighted, do you find that this hair is much straighter and has a looser curl pattern than the hair that's not highlighted? Or for those ladies that get their hair colored all over, do you find that it loosens your entire curl pattern? Do you like it?

You are not hallucinating....color is a chemical process and does loosen your hair texture.
This has happened to me. Before I got my sisterlocks I colored (bleached, then added a demi-rinse) and my ends were a little looser and didn't curl as tightly like it used too.
would temp. color be different?
Yes. Temporary colors, semi-permanent colors and rinses aren't going to do damage because their essentially just coating or staining the hair. However, some rinses have a reputation of being more drying then others *cough, Jazzing, cough*

I can imagine; once you get that fever, your hair just seems so............."normal" without any color in it. How often do you do rinses?


I haven't done a rinse in awhile (which is probably why I'm having hair color withdrawals :laugh:). Here's what happened, about this time last year I made the mistake of dying my hair black with a demi-permanent dye. I was wearing half wigs at the time and knew that it would be easier to match jet black hair then my natural hair color. When you dye your hair jet black, it sticks to the strands. You may as well call it permanent dye because it ain't going anywhere. If you try to put a different color rinse, it really won't show except on the roots that aren't black.

And then I decided to do the big chop which was in April. I focused on wigs and just leaving my hair alone. But now that my hair is long enough to do twist and coils, I'll probably do some reddish rinses.

The thing to keep in mind with rinses is they do not last as long as semi permanents.
I colored my hair, but it was only maybe two shades lighter. I noticed no difference in my texture, but it did seem drier.

I did not use bleach, which may be why it didn't alter my texture. Not sure. I've always loved your color, BB!
I colored my hair, but it was only maybe two shades lighter. I noticed no difference in my texture, but it did seem drier.

I did not use bleach, which may be why it didn't alter my texture. Not sure. I've always loved your color, BB!

Thanks hon!

What did you color it with? What do you do to combat the dryness?

:wave:Hi girly!!!
Every time I run my hands back there, I :giggle: when I think about you calling it the "good curly stuff"!

(I got my hair butter in today......After this lonnnnnggggg process with my hair tonight, I am going to try it! I'll let you know)

Cool. Please let me know. Which scents did you get?
BB, I used Clairol Textures & Tones Bronze. I've been deep conditioning with Aubrey Organics White Camellia, which is now my Holy Grail of conditioners.:yep:
okay, i promise i'm not an aveda pimp, but this is why i love their color so much. i had NO adverse affects with texture changes after the application (straighter hair) nor does my hair feel stripped or obviously different from where i had it colored last (i now have about 6 inches of new growth). at the end of this month, my color will be one year old.

i don't plan to color my hair again until the beginning of fall this year (been protective styling since sept of 09 with my lace wig), but i pray that i continue to have these results and when i got my color last year, i had THREE colors done at once -- dark brown all over with auburn and blonde highlights in the front.

can i tell that i have color in my hair? yes, because in the beginning it was a tad bit drier, but i quickly stepped up my reggie and handled that.

i don't know, maybe my color was a fluke because i truly have not had any ill effects from it. or maybe, just maybe, more "natural" hair coloring processes, like the one i had, are better for the hair.
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okay, i promise i'm not an aveda pimp, but this is why i love their color so much. i had NO adverse affects with texture changes after the application (straighter hair) nor does my hair feel stripped or obviously different from where i had it colored last (i now have about 6 inches of new growth). at the end of this month, my color will be one year old.

i don't plan to color my hair again until the beginning of fall this year (been protective styling since sept of 09 with my lace wig), but i pray that i continue to have these results and when i got my color last year, i had THREE colors done at once -- dark brown all over with auburn and blonde highlights in the front.

can i tell that i have color in my hair? yes, because in the beginning it was a tad bit drier, but i quickly stepped up my reggie and handled that.

i don't know, maybe my color was a fluke because i truly have not had any ill effects from it.
or maybe, just maybe, more "natural" hair coloring processes, like the one i had, are better for the hair.
nope, not a fluke. i use harsh, permanent color and it hasn't affected my texture at all. if anything, it's a bit drier, but like you, i stepped up my reggie.

i kinda think it's a texture thing...:look:
Maybe it has something to do with bleach. Are your highlights done with bleach, OP? I've had highlights done with only color and developer and had no issues with texture. I know bleach gets dark hair to those lighter colors and is a bit harsher.
I have color still left on my ends and I noticed that it is definately not as curly as my new growth.. i call it my none colored hair my new growth lol
Hey, blackbarbie!

I dyed my hair a medium brown last February. While, I don't think it changed my curl pattern, I do notice the colored portion of an individual strand is thinner than the non-colored parts.

I like to examine my shed hairs, and that's what I notice in, well....just about all of them.

I do have to baby the colored parts more since they can be prone to breakage.
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