Ladies, Please Keep Me in Your Prayers!


Well-Known Member

I am at work now almost crying. I'm holding back the tears. I just need you all to keep me in prayer and ask that God help me make the right decisions.

It's job related. Thank you and I'll be back later!:yep:

I am at work now almost crying. I'm holding back the tears. I just need you all to keep me in prayer and ask that God help me make the right decisions.

It's job related. Thank you and I'll be back later!:yep:


I understand how you feel my prayers are so up for you right now. I was their last week and I just "Stand therefore" Got in my car and spoke God's word over that situation God worked it out. You are in my prayers. :yep:
Thank you ladies, so much! I know God is pulling me in a different direction, and I am trying to fearlessly go.

I've been feeling for a while that He is trying to use me to help others in His kingdom and ministry.

People often tell me that I have a calming nature and that I seem like I would be a psychologist:lol:

I know God has given me a gift and I am trying to use it properly. I am starting to realize that what I am doing now is not utilizing my God given talents in the best way.

But we are in a recession, and I am a very practical person, and I don't like to just "jump out on a whim." I don't feel like my cards are in order, but I know that God's order is always REAL ORDER!:yep: