Ladies please help!!!!! NO NAPE

HEllO Ladies, I'm in need of some serious help. I have been lurking around for over a year and have taken wonderful advice form you ladies. My hair have grown nicely, THat is everything but my nape area. I have no hair in the back. And this have been going on for years.....:mad: It will grow and break right off all over again. :confused: I really know you ladies can help me. All the rest of my hair is growing beautifully thanks to you lovely women. But im just geting fustrated. Its so embarrassing. I running out of options. Im finally doing what I should have done a year ago and am Asking you ladies Please help me!!!!!
Ohh Im so sorry, I forgot to tell you. Yes I do relaxe my hair with Cream of nature. I not sure of my hair type, It has to be 4a or 4b. I use Emergencee nexxus and Motions CPR treatment biweekly week. I also try to keep my back moisturised with surge (the new formula) and motions CPR treatment hairdressing everyday. That is really all I put on my hair. I go to the dominicans every week. I think Im improving with my my hair care cause my hair have grown nicely its just my back.

Thanks Candice for responding and im gonna post pictures real soon im just embarrassed and i need a wash and set.
hair-it-is said:
Ohh Im so sorry, I forgot to tell you. Yes I do relaxe my hair with Cream of nature. I not sure of my hair type, It has to be 4a or 4b. I use Emergencee nexxus and Motions CPR treatment biweekly week. I also try to keep my back moisturised with surge (the new formula) and motions CPR treatment hairdressing everyday. That is really all I put on my hair. I go to the dominicans every week. I think Im improving with my my hair care cause my hair have grown nicely its just my back.

Thanks Candice for responding and im gonna post pictures real soon im just embarrassed and i need a wash and set.

No problem. I feel ya about being embarrassed. I have had trouble with my nape area too. I've got some really crazy "before" pictures I took when I first joined the forum. (my coworker actually was in shock when I showed them to her. It was that bad. :lol: ) I haven't posted them yet though. I'm waiting until that back area makes even more progress and then I'm going to do a photo timeline. I've got some recent photos in my progress album if you want to check it out.

How often do you relax? It may be too long or not long enough. For me, I relax every 10 weeks which is the longest I can go without the new growth being too much or too thick. I'm 4a/b. Actually I was thinking about cutting back to 8 or 9 weeks because my hair is just really rough. :lol: First I'm going to try to comb and detangle my hair really well a week before my relaxer to see if I can stick to 10 weeks.

I asked about how often you relax because perhaps the back grows slower than the rest of your hair? If so there could be overlapping that can cause it to be brittle and break at the line of demarcation. I'm overcoming this issue myself.

If you aren't pleased with Cream of Nature don't rule out lye relaxers if you haven't tried them. My hair never did well with a no-lye relaxer, but when I switched to lye my hair's health greatly improved. Lye relaxers actually moisturize the hair. If you don't want to go that route yet you might want to try Phytospecific. It's a no-lye relaxer that a lot of ladies here like.

Also, have you ever considered braids to help protect the fragile area? One thing that I do because I wear my hair in a loose bun all the time is make small braids in the back section. I use synthetic hair, but I'm sure human hair will work for this too. This way while I'm wearing my protective style (the bun) The back area isn't being stressed by manipulation. I usually put the braids about three or four weeks after a relaxer after I've got some new growth. It keeps my hair back there protected.

Just throwing out some ideas.
The reason why I came to LHCF was because of breakage to the nape. The first time i remedy this problem by shaving the back. I didn't want to take that step this time so I'm in the process of growing back my nape. When I first joined LHCF I was looking for people with this problem but I didn't really find much on it. I have seen alot of improvement in my hair as far as breakage over all (breakage stop) and to the nape. The past 2 months I have been using castor oil/jojoba oil, 3 weeks of surge and scurl to keep it moist. After having so many problems with breakage I decided to take my haircare in my own hands. I have relaxed hair 4a/b and when I relaxed my hair I did the damage areas last. I will start using MTG in the next week.
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Thanks ladies for the instant reply, I feel alittle better knowing that im not the only one with this problem and to know that there is hope. Well to start off I wanted to comment to candice and say i really do understand the embarrassment. Whenever I show my family and friends the back of my head they really cant believe it either. I think you might be right about overlapping the perm area. Because whenever i braid it for months it grows about an inch or two and no sooner i perm it its bald again. I really wanna stop perming the back all together but its tempting because its crazy peazyyy. but im going to try to put my pride aside and stop perming the back for a while.The longest that I normally go without a perm is about 8 weeks but im going to try to go alittle longer. I do notice that when it time for a perm i have breakage, not alot but enough to tell me its time for a perm. IM going to view you ladies albums and I really going to try to follow your'll advices I will definitelly keep you ladies updated on my progress. (THANKS)
hair-it-is said:
Thanks ladies for the instant reply, I feel alittle better knowing that im not the only one with this problem and to know that there is hope. Well to start off I wanted to comment to candice and say i really do understand the embarrassment. Whenever I show my family and friends the back of my head they really cant believe it either. I think you might be right about overlapping the perm area. Because whenever i braid it for months it grows about an inch or two and no sooner i perm it its bald again. I really wanna stop perming the back all together but its tempting because its crazy peazyyy. but im going to try to put my pride aside and stop perming the back for a while.The longest that I normally go without a perm is about 8 weeks but im going to try to go alittle longer. I do notice that when it time for a perm i have breakage, not alot but enough to tell me its time for a perm. IM going to view you ladies albums and I really going to try to follow your'll advices I will definitelly keep you ladies updated on my progress. (THANKS)

No problem! We ladies with nape issues gotta stick together! I thought about not relaxing my hair in the back anymore for awhile.
I also thought about maybe relaxing it every other relaxer too. I think I'm going to say something to my stylist about that. She could relax the rest and flat iron the back. And I could continue with my braiding and bun method. :scratchch

Send me a pm if you want me to send you a "before" picture. I was looking at them just now and maybe you'll be inspired if you see where I came from when I first started here.
Hi Hair-it-is and welcome to the forum.:)..Glad you finally decided to join us...

I'm sorry to hair about your nape problem...The nape and the edges are the most fragile part of your must keep those areas moisturized at all are on the right track with surge for growth but your hair may need more than that...try using products that contain water or glycerine in them for moisture...and natural oils (jojoba oil, evoo etc; ) for sealing the moisture in.

Stay away from relaxing that area for a while...that area is already sensitive so adding chemicals to that part would most likely make it worse...just baby that area and keep it moisturized...

I don't think braiding the nape with extensions would be a good idea...that in my opinion ,can add more stress to the area and can lead to more breakage.

Just be gentle, keep it moisturized. I know that there may be more advice some of the ladies on here may want to add. HTHs and Good Luck!!!
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Lady_Lioness said:

I don't think braiding the nape with extensions would be a good idea...that in my opinion ,can add more stress to the area and can lead to more breakage.

Actually it can work if the braids are loose and done sometime after having some new growth to help the braids stay in. They shouldn't be right up on the scalp. It helps to reinforce the hair back there.
I'll be doing this again in about two weeks and I think I'll take some pictures to demonstrate.
Thanks Im so excited I really feeling positive about the advice. I will go and get the JoJoba oil that Ive heard mentioned a few times and I will NOT perm the back for a while and see how it works. Wish me luck ladies........
Actually it can work if the braids are loose and done sometime after having some new growth to help the braids stay in. They shouldn't be right up on the scalp. It helps to reinforce the hair back there.
I'll be doing this again in about two weeks and I think I'll take some pictures to demonstrate.

Yes please post the pictures!!!
hair-it-is said:
Actually it can work if the braids are loose and done sometime after having some new growth to help the braids stay in. They shouldn't be right up on the scalp. It helps to reinforce the hair back there.
I'll be doing this again in about two weeks and I think I'll take some pictures to demonstrate.

Yes please post the pictures!!!

Uh oh. I guess I've got to make the braids look halfway neat then. :lol: Sure I'll take some and add them to my album and let you know when I do.
Glad you're feeling just takes time and'll notice results in no time...Just follow some of the tips given by all the ladies on here...and make sure to keep us posted.HHG!!
CandiceC said:
Actually it can work if the braids are loose and done sometime after having some new growth to help the braids stay in. They shouldn't be right up on the scalp. It helps to reinforce the hair back there.
I'll be doing this again in about two weeks and I think I'll take some pictures to demonstrate.

Oh really...I just thought it would have been a little too harsh for that know with all the pulling and tugging and the weight of the extension...but I can see your point about making the braids looser...that might work.
I agree with the people that say chill out with relaxing the nape area. I have a issue with my nape area also. It is about 5 inches of hair that can't reach the ponytail of my bun. I used to just take some activator gel and throw it on there to make it stick but I just let the nape roam free now.

Your best bet is to leave it alone and moisturize it with activator gel, S-curl no drip spray, or any daily conditioner laying around. Good luck and HHG :weird:
Another thing to beware of is tying your scarf to tight, especially those that have a little stretch to them but look and feel like satin. They can grasp at the hair at the nape and break it. I am dealing with this a little right now. I just no longer use a satin scarf but choose to sleep in a bonnet and on a satin pillow case. Most of the time I just sleep on the pillow case without the bonnet (it depends on the style).

BTW, I have beee on here now for about a year could someone please tell me the benefits of Surge. I have read about it but I have never used it. I have seen it at the BSS. But what is it that people are using in a spray form? Thanks

hair-it-is said:
Thanks ladies for the instant reply, I feel alittle better knowing that im not the only one with this problem and to know that there is hope. Well to start off I wanted to comment to candice and say i really do understand the embarrassment. Whenever I show my family and friends the back of my head they really cant believe it either. I think you might be right about overlapping the perm area. Because whenever i braid it for months it grows about an inch or two and no sooner i perm it its bald again. I really wanna stop perming the back all together but its tempting because its crazy peazyyy. but im going to try to put my pride aside and stop perming the back for a while.The longest that I normally go without a perm is about 8 weeks but im going to try to go alittle longer. I do notice that when it time for a perm i have breakage, not alot but enough to tell me its time for a perm. IM going to view you ladies albums and I really going to try to follow your'll advices I will definitelly keep you ladies updated on my progress. (THANKS)
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Thanks ladies I will follow all the advice. I do tie my hair up with a silk scalf and i will take you advice into consideration. Im going to try to tie it in the front from now on. I dont know what so great about surge I just started using the new formula about a month ago. I havent seen nothing much yet, but it doesnt do nothing bad either so ill stick with it for a while and see if a experience any progress in the growth area.
I stopped relaxing my nape earlier this year because I had the same problem. I keep it well moisturized and it's growing nicely.
Did you go all year without perming your back. How did you maintain it. Im asking that because I really have no hair in the back its about 1/8 of an inch if that much. And its really bad looking so i was wondering what I can put on it to advoid the stares whenever I go to the salon or the wind blows and my back is exposed.. Thanks for the adivse Im really not going to perm the back anymore.
Hair-it-is, you might try bunning it while you're giving the nape area a rest. That's what I've done and I'm finally getting some length back there. Also, I was using a relaxer strength that was too harsh for my nape.
czyfaith, I can't really say that surge grows hair super fast but it helps with breakage so I use it on my hair.
hair-it-is, I thought about not relaxing my nape but I wanted to see how much it grown. I probably kept the relaxer on that area about 4 to 5 minutes. It's not very straight in that area. I know for a long time I would not wear my hair up because of this problem. I do wear my hair up in a bun now and you have to look really closely to tell the difference in that area.
Same problem here. I've always wondered how people got their nape to grow so long. Mine is about 1/2 inch, and it NEVER grows. I've been making sure to moisturize (Surge, Elasta QP Mango Butter, WGO) and massage it daily. I'm doing the April Fools stretch, so hopefully I'll see some progress by then.
what type of tops do you wear?? that may be the culprit...anything wooly or wool like blends...

hair-it-is said:
HEllO Ladies, I'm in need of some serious help. I have been lurking around for over a year and have taken wonderful advice form you ladies. My hair have grown nicely, THat is everything but my nape area. I have no hair in the back. And this have been going on for years.....:mad: It will grow and break right off all over again. :confused: I really know you ladies can help me. All the rest of my hair is growing beautifully thanks to you lovely women. But im just geting fustrated. Its so embarrassing. I running out of options. Im finally doing what I should have done a year ago and am Asking you ladies Please help me!!!!!
The nape breakage happened to me 4 years ago, really badly, so badly that alot of the back of my hair was breaking off back there, while the rest of it at brastrap. I didn't understand why.

I had to stop relaxing the nape area totally.

I went natural and then texturized after that, and my nape is now one of the longest areas of my hair..(armpit)
I'm actually surprised at how fast it grows too..

So my advice is, lay off the relaxer for a long, long long while.
maybe 6 months to a year later, start texturizing that area when it's stronger, so that it'll match with the rest of your relaxed hair...
Worked for me...
Ladies your'll are so helpful and encouraging. Im gonna lay off the relaxers and no matter how bad the back looks Ill leave it alone. Im glad to know you guys went through the same thing Im going through and had great success. I cant believe some of you said that your back is now the longest part of your hair. Well right now It looks like I shaved the back. I have no hair back their. But I know it will grow and ill be thankful for you sisters.
OK ladies, I just realized that I might have been doing a big NO NO. I cant remember the last time I had a neutralizing shampoo put in my har. I go to the dominicans and I never ever seen her put a neutralizing shampoo in my hair. They do perms everyday and never use neutralizing shampoos with any of their customers (from what I see) but the customers still have hair all down their back. But do you laidies think that could be the reason for my extreme breakage. And can you ladies recommend me any good neutralizer for me...
I know in the past I have been guilty of not using neutralizing shampoo. I think thats one of the reason why I was having breakage problem.
hair-it-is said:
OK ladies, I just realized that I might have been doing a big NO NO. I cant remember the last time I had a neutralizing shampoo put in my har. I go to the dominicans and I never ever seen her put a neutralizing shampoo in my hair. They do perms everyday and never use neutralizing shampoos with any of their customers (from what I see) but the customers still have hair all down their back. But do you laidies think that could be the reason for my extreme breakage. And can you ladies recommend me any good neutralizer for me...

That would be scary if they didn't use a neutralizing shampoo. :eek: Maybe you could call and ask them?
When I go home this weekend Im going to get a perm and Ill be sure to ask her about the neutralizing shampoo. And Im going to make sure I bring my own just in case she really doesnt uses it my hair. I really dont ever remember her using any. doesnt it turn a certain color until all of the perm is out then it turns white...
Goodness! How could they NOT use a neutralizing shampoo? Wouldn't the relaxer still be working for hours after you rinsed it out? The rinsing doesn't stop the relaxing process.