Ladies please help me!!! I need advice!


New Member
I am new to the boards and have learned so much over the past 3 months. I have always stretched my texturizers... but usually it was due to a lack of funds then a desire for healthy hair.:lol: With the things you guys have taught me, I am now able to mimimize my breakage while I stretch.

However,I have a stylist. She has done wonders for my hair. I went to her fully natural and she has texturized my hair twice with no problems. Typically, when my hair gets chemically treated I experience severe breakage/baldness. That is why I decided to texturize rather then perm because I have never been able to wear a perm without some patch of baldness coming through. Anyway, the problem with my stylist is that she is a know it all. She has been in the business for over 25 years... and I feel like if I try to say anything to her about my new knowledge.. it will be ignored. I want to tell her to not use a rattail comb to apply and to leave my neutralizer on for the 5 minutes (because right now she does not) but I also don't want to get in a confrontation as I am not a hairdresser.. and can't exactly say "Well I read it online" for fear of getting laughed at. Another thing that complicates matters is that a lot of the times that I go she has these assistants that do all the work,so should i just say something to them?

So what should I do? I can try to go to her and say these things.. but if she doesn't listen, then what? I can go to a new stylist.. but what if they mess my hair up. Plus I asked her what texturizer she uses on me and she stated Optimum.. but I don't even see that as a product!! So if I can't even bring the chemicals with me, how can I go to a new stylist? Isn't bad to mix chemical treatments?

HELP ME LADIES!!! I am getting so stressed because I have a wedding to go to soon and need to make an appointment. I am very non confrontational but I need to do something. I am trying to remain somewhat calm as stress is not good for hair growth :) but i need a plan. I am afraid of all the terrible things that could go wrong with switching hair dressers, but equally afraid of my stylist messing up the progress I have already made.

Come on in here and give me your advice. It will be greatly appreciated!
If you want to continue going to her, give your hair and your stylist a chance by letting her know what you'd like. Make your request to her, even though she is coming across as a know-it-all. She might surprise you and comply. If her assistants do all the work, make your request to them instead. Should you feel the need to elaborate, just say that you've been doing your research and you'd like to try it out. No need to say you found the info online. If she doesn't grant your request, be ready to execute Plan B, whatever that may be.
I would suggest you mention upfront b4 she touches your hair that you would like to try a different method because you feel this will benefit your hair specifically. If she then tries to be oppositional just say its on your head so you have to live with the results and you also know your hair very well so this is important to you, also note that you trust her enough to do it right because she is such a knowledgeable and good stylist. If she then still will not you might have to “man” up and just say forget it then you will find someone else to give your money to.

I know this sounds harsh but sometimes you have to stand up for yourself. The thing I hate about dominical stylists is they can easily act like they don’t speak English on you and mess your hair up. L
HAHAHA i like that "man up". I just worry that I am too soft for that.. but will try. But if she does not seem receptive to my "help", can I go to a new stylist. Not knowing if the texturizer is really Optimum as she stated, can I get a new one?
I've switched brands with no ill effects, but that's just me and my hair.

I agree with the other ladies. Let her know what's on your mind. I know, easier said than done. But you never know, she may be open-minded. Regardless, it's your hair and you are paying for her services, so she should respect your wishes.

Good luck!
I am non confrontational as well and I think you should keep a backup sylist who knows exactly what you want done. Optimum is a brand of relaxer, just fyi. As for the current stylist run it by her and or the assistant. If they make a fuss, come up with an emergency where yo uhave to leave. Needless to say you have to make the appt days before your event in case you have to go to the backup salon(whom you have made an appt with btw...if all goes well at the first salon you just cancel the second one...HTH
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