
Active Member
Can you ladies help me out? My hair has been growing well in the back, but the crown and front are getting worse. I am having breakage and my shedding is getting aweful as of late. I am at a loss for what to do. I have been doing no heat, no brush buns for a while now. And when I go for straight styles I get a dominican set (no blow dry). This has been a problem with me for a decade, the middle and front part of my hair not only won't grow, but gets weak and breaks. I have so many different lengths in the middle and front, I don't even know what to do with it. I would have to trim down to the root almost to get the rid of all the split ends in the front. To make matters worse, I relax about every 10 weeks, and had switched to a mild relaxer (affirm) but the last touch up my stylist said she thought I needed a regular but she would not leave it in long. Like a fool I listened to her and although my hair did not feel bad, I was not as pleased with the results as I usually am.

I have a lot of hair, and my hair is very fine. It cannot take a lot of product and while I need the moisture in my hair, some moisture products feel like they put stress on the strands and weigh them down making them more prone to pull and break. My hair is also VERY porous. It does not hold curls long and reverts easy. I am really at a loss. The only healthy part of my hair is the back that is growing, but it is like I am growing a mullet now!! I don't just want a long tail, PLEASE ANY ADVICE YOU ALL CAN GIVE ME I WOULD LOVE!!
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Hi Peacelove,
sounds like your hairdresser used too strong a relaxer on your hair! The regular was great for the back but too strong for the crown, which is a different texture. You will also need to get rid of the split ends asap. The longer you leave them the more damage they will cause.

To counteract the porosity of your hair try using Porosity Control followed with PM Supercharged, once a fortnight. There is a tread on this with recommendation times for different stages of damage. Also do a weekly deep condition with a hot oil treatment (*adding EOs also strengthens the hair). Also try CWs, rinsing your hair with water and ACVs. Your hair is in need of some serious TLC!

For fine hair I think that you should try and extend the time between relaxers, for as long as you possibly can. Also look at your vitamin intake and what types of food and supplements from which you can obtain them. Cutting out meat from my diet has also helped. I would also recommend flaxseed oil, this helps to keep my skin and hair soft and moist and is also great for regulating the sympthoms of my menstrual cycle. Brewers Yeast is also a great source of Biotin and 16 other essential minerals. Also try drinking water as much as possible, it really is an acquired taste for me. According to Chinese Medicine the kidneys control your hair and by drinking lots of water, we cleanse and keep them healthy.

The hair in my crown was a lot thinner than the back of my hair, which is significantly thicker. This is definitely hereditary. But since since taking better care of my hair and diet, the hair in my crown is getting thicker and thicker!

I hope this helps,
good advice Meech! I also agree, stretch your relaxers as long as you can. If you have thin hair, relaxers can make it even harder to retain length. Taking flaxseed and a multivitamin may also help with the health of your hair.
Have you done a rinse or some type of coloring? My mother had a bad allergic reaction to Adore black rinse (she did it herself at home and didn't do a patch test), I never had a problem w/ Adore other colors, but her hair began to fall out in the middle crown area first and then it was as if someone had grabbed the middle of her hair leaving the edges free and chopped it off down to the root,:eek: :eek: :eek: , she had to get cocktail DC treatments, and 911 emergincia by Haichi treatments she went to a Dominican Salon so they doctored her hair back to health. They wouldn't let her get any relaxer touch-ups until her hair regained it's strength back. She wore rod-sets for months, after awhile she started getting her hair braided up and wore wigs, keeping her scalp oiled w/Come back hair cream by Liz and Daughters, she has retained her APL back or at least just about and it is much much healthier. So I suggest you find a stylist that will give your hair what it needs and not a temporary band-aid or get ready for the ride to recovery and handle it yourself, Hopefully this is just a pit stip in your hair goal and it will be over soon, :) .
Dear Peacelove:

I agree with MeechUK. I would like to add to her recommendation. Try doing a conditioned wash at least 3 times a week. For your conditioned wash add extra virgin olive oil and any protein conditioner. Just put it in your hair for about 5-15 mins then wash out in the shower. Then shampoo and deep condition once a week. Stretch your relaxers as long as possible. I did this and my hair took off.
Oh my goodness, thank you ladies for the great advice!! I am going to follow what was posted. Wide eyes, no I don't have any color in my hair. Meech, I am going to print out everything you suggested.

I will keep you ladies posted. Thanks again!
Hi Peacelove,
I concur with all the other advice. I would like to suggest, though, that you get a thourough medical checkup. Have your doctor check your thyroid. It's not uncommon in women to have changes in the thyriod, which would affect your hair.

Good luck!
peacelove said:
Oh my goodness, thank you ladies for the great advice!! I am going to follow what was posted. Wide eyes, no I don't have any color in my hair. Meech, I am going to print out everything you suggested.

I will keep you ladies posted. Thanks again!


glad to be of help! I also forgot to mention;

Dusting, I am a fanatical duster, a result of which is that I have almost completely eliminated my split ends.

I also use heat when deep conditioning, this really locks in moisture!

Finally spritzing twice daily with distilled water (*to which you can add 1/2 tsp of your favourite conditioner and/or EOs). Very inexpensive without weighing down your hair, yet very effective!

I have turned my hair around and you can too! There is no such thing as fighting a loosing battle with hair, the most important thing to remember is that lots of TLC and patience is required.
