Ladies Please Be Careful!

Thank you for this. I read something the other day that gave me immense hope: there is nowhere in this world where we are safe, not even in church, we are safe in Christ alone.
Amen my Sister. That is "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

Please share with me what you read. TIA
Amen my Sister.

Please share with me what you read. TIA

After the shooting that took place in Charleston, so many things started going through my head. But even before that, seems like every single day something happens to let us know how fragile life is. But it's like Nancy Leigh DeMoss once said: even the ground beneath us can shake at any time. It made me understand better why Jesus urged us to pray without ceasing. You just never know.

Just days before that shooting, we were at church and one of the elder women in our church who has the gift of prophecy said that the Holy Spirit is so powerful that even if someone walked into our church with a gun and malicious intentions, the Holy Spirit would alert us. But for that we need to pray fervently, honestly and be very sensitive to our surroundings. Keep in mind she said that prior to the Charleston shooting.
God knew before the foundation of the world how these saints would leave this world. It is just horrifying. I do not think that this person believed that he did God service because he has no God in him. These are some beautiful saints. I do not know how quickly I would say I forgive you to someone who put a hole in my family like that. I admire these saints and the whole city. God keeps us. He knows our beginning and our end.
After the shooting that took place in Charleston, so many things started going through my head. But even before that, seems like every single day something happens to let us know how fragile life is. But it's like Nancy Leigh DeMoss once said: even the ground beneath us can shake at any time. It made me understand better why Jesus urged us to pray without ceasing. You just never know.

Just days before that shooting, we were at church and one of the elder women in our church who has the gift of prophecy said that the Holy Spirit is so powerful that even if someone walked into our church with a gun and malicious intentions, the Holy Spirit would alert us. But for that we need to pray fervently, honestly and be very sensitive to our surroundings. Keep in mind she said that prior to the Charleston shooting.

Thank you Maracuja' for sharing this with me.

Thank God for the leading of The Holy Spirit.
After the shooting that took place in Charleston, so many things started going through my head. But even before that, seems like every single day something happens to let us know how fragile life is. But it's like Nancy Leigh DeMoss once said: even the ground beneath us can shake at any time. It made me understand better why Jesus urged us to pray without ceasing. You just never know.

Just days before that shooting, we were at church and one of the elder women in our church who has the gift of prophecy said that the Holy Spirit is so powerful that even if someone walked into our church with a gun and malicious intentions, the Holy Spirit would alert us. But for that we need to pray fervently, honestly and be very sensitive to our surroundings. Keep in mind she said that prior to the Charleston shooting.
After the shooting that took place in Charleston, so many things started going through my head. But even before that, seems like every single day something happens to let us know how fragile life is. But it's like Nancy Leigh DeMoss once said: even the ground beneath us can shake at any time. It made me understand better why Jesus urged us to pray without ceasing. You just never know.

Just days before that shooting, we were at church and one of the elder women in our church who has the gift of prophecy said that the Holy Spirit is so powerful that even if someone walked into our church with a gun and malicious intentions, the Holy Spirit would alert us. But for that we need to pray fervently, honestly and be very sensitive to our surroundings. Keep in mind she said that prior to the Charleston shooting.

So, if you didn't know that as your day or another person's day of death, it's because they weren't in tune with the H-ly Spirit? Things happen to people the world over. Many of them are good people. They got no warnings, even innocent children, who are much closer to G-d than adults.