Ladies... Networking Question


Well-Known Member
I know this may not be applicable to this forum specifically but,
I'm deaf and I've been hanging around hearing people most of my college career.. I'm about to graduate:grin::grin:
but I haven't networked or really connected with people who DONT sign because in the work world that is what I"ll be facing..
I admit i'm deeply anxious about meeting and learning how to work with hearing people in the work world.. I don't want to be seen as a hindrance.. but I don't want people to patronize me either.. I"d like to develop solid friendships that the Most HIgh Abba would be pleased with.. SO i'm nervous..
any Christian/Messianic Advice and prayer would be welcome?

Messianicism doesn't really have the tools for this stuff lol
I know this may not be applicable to this forum specifically but,
I'm deaf and I've been hanging around hearing people most of my college career.. I'm about to graduate:grin::grin:
but I haven't networked or really connected with people who DONT sign because in the work world that is what I"ll be facing..
I admit i'm deeply anxious about meeting and learning how to work with hearing people in the work world.. I don't want to be seen as a hindrance.. but I don't want people to patronize me either.. I"d like to develop solid friendships that the Most HIgh Abba would be pleased with.. SO i'm nervous..
any Christian/Messianic Advice and prayer would be welcome?

Messianicism doesn't really have the tools for this stuff lol

Beautiful luthiengirlie

:Congrats: Congratulations on your hard work and well earned accomplishments. I am happy for you and also honoured to 'Know' of you.

First of all, I see everyone with whom you come into association with, will welcome you with open heart and arms.


You indeed have a gift that God wants to and will use to bring life and light into many, many lives, just by being you. Your gifts will make room for you; they will place you before important men (and women). This is scripture from Proverbs, with a prophetic promise over your life.

You will be God's 'hearing' for those who hear...understand that this means that you will be used of God to open the ears of those hearing to become more accepting and aware of those who are just as skilled and gifted as anyone, hearing or not. You will be the trail for others to follow and to succeed.

You will not be pitied, neither will you be disrespected. You will be known in many corporations and heights unknown to others for the treasures you have within and the assets to bring growth and success to every project and company and personal goal.

God says, 'Be anxious for nothing', for He has already gone before you and has prepared a path for you to walk upon and along which will lead you in all success and giving Him the glory in full. In Jesus' Name.

Just remember to 'stand' upon God's Word and His Truth. Do not surrender nor compromise just to please others or to become among their crowd. Instead others will see and want to be in YOUR circle of success.

luthiengirlie ... God is with you and God is for you. He will never let you down, in turn, let not Him down for anyone or anything. He needs you out there and you will 'hear' His voice from within and you will follow, for the voice of the stranger you will ignore and follow not.

God bless you, Dear One. You are not limited by any means. :giveheart:

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Can you volunteer in some capacity this summer and start developing those skills before entering the professional workforce?
Shimmie that was a POWERFUL word...
just:grin: WOW.. just... OKAY.. HALLELUYAH


No one would ever know that you currently do not hear, unless you told them or you were in their presence for a period of time; you've learned to adapt, respond and to 'read' people just that well.

One of your gifts is that you have a HUGE capacity to love and you love all people, all to the point of securing their happiness over your own. This does not mean that you are weak, not by any means. It means you are stronger than those who may seek to take full advantage of your deep compassion. However, you are a smart and very sharp girl. (I say 'girl' with the utmost respect...okay? The utmost of respect).

But this is where your loving and love for all humanity must succomb to the will of God and His Word. God is and must ALWAYS be first. This will be a struggle, as many can be hurt but when you truly love someone as God does, the pain is only temporary for them, rather than eternal.

You are in the midst of many whom you love and care for deeply, however they need to know God's love and to know that His rules are an even deeper love for them and each of us. Do not bend with the wind and the waves of what goes against God's heart. Allow your compassion to deepen by protecting those, you love and will meet and love, with the deeper love of God and His rules. Don't bend with society, as it will not save the lives of those who are perishing into eternity to be seen no more.

You are a great gift and even greater because God loves and wants and needs to use you for His glory.

You can and will succeed. For you can do all things through Christ (Jesus) who strengthens you.

Love and peace... :love2:
how did you know all this?
Oh my I am in tears.. IN A GOOD WAY.. just wow look at our ABBA

God is the one who knows and then He shows it to others around you. Shimmie makes no claims of knowledge. :love2:

In you, it shows; it's your heart's desire to love all people. It's just the way you are and it shows. You see no fault in people, just that you want to love them.

Here's another thing: Your love is so strong for people that they don't realize that you don't 'audibly' hear. You listen so well to their hearts, that they have to 'remember' or be reminded that the actual sound is not currently present. So often those around you, even those closest speak to you and you respond right back. Neither of you give hearing the power for the real power comes from the strong connection that has grown between you and those close to you.

Watch how God uses this in your career. You are going to be such a healing blessing to those in the corporate realm. For many have loved ones whom they've given up hope for and you will be their 'new hope renewed'.

God is healing and He is watching. He has your place in this world where you will always flourish, giving Him glory.

Just remember, don't compromise to save one's feelings. Save their souls instead. Don't let their souls die in hell. God needs you to share His truth, so do they.
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Shimmie.. HALLELUYAH.. that's all I can say Imma print this thread and take i with me

I edited my typos in purple font above.

I apologize for the typing errors; I was multi-tasking at my desk.

I just could not bypass your thread. I didn't have networking answers, but I could not help but respond to you. It touched my heart so much, even more it touches the heart of God.

Take care, Loved One. Always, take care.


@Shimmie said it all...and luthiengirlie as open and bold you were in your question...take that with confidence everywhere you go...i dont think you will have any conflicts (more so then any other recent graduates) with networking....your very bubbly and recruiters/interviewers like that...also just like any and every opportunity you are given is a time to fellowship/spread the Word its also a time to network! Carry your resume with you (put several in a folder and keep it update)...I was given a job even without an interview working for a corporation by the grace of God and my personality while chatting with a recruiter lol God Bless and cant wait for the great news! Claim it my sister and believe it!
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