Ladies Neem powder.


New Member
Kills ringworm much better than lotrimin Af
My daughter has it on the side of her face (she caught it at school)
It is no longer spreading it looks like a red tough area of skin and no longer has the ring thing on the outside.

I started the Neem paste and alternated with the AF cause i was not to sure if it would work.

The AF was still letting it spread but the 2 days of constant neem paste killed it.

If i would have just used the AF it would have taken 2 weeks to kill it and gotten a lot bigger.

Not taken 3 days to kill.

So the reports are correct. I was very much concerned with the ringworm getting in her hair.
Hi, I don't know if you saw my post about my daughter's hair but she contracted ringworm at school and it caused her hair to fall out. She now has two big holes in her hair. I have been applying ketaconzole ointment and using Nizorol shampoo twice per week and it has slowed it down but she still has red areas on her scalp. I bought Neem oil yesterday and have been debating on using it. She is only 1 (just turned 1 two days ago) and I don't want to use anything too strong on her. What do you think?
I have the powder (oil also) but when i was doing my Indian powders and oil research. I kept reading that one thing neem powder gets rid of is ringworm.

My daughter had no bad reaction to it. I made a thick paste and put it on her face. She is 4 years old though you could do a patch test on your daughter and see if anything different happens.

Edited to say. One of my cousins has a daughter she's i believe 7 years old now. She also caught ringworm in her scalp way back when she was a baby. She still has the bald area to show it.

i remember reading a reply where someone said use the neem and amla to make the spots fill back in (i believe it was amla)
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What brand is this?! I would really like to know since i got a ringworm on my arm from my auntie who got it off her grandson's i do not wish for this mess to spread!
Thank you for the response! I can get that anywhere, once the stores open back up i will test it onmy arm first. :drunk::spinning::yep:
The indian culture use this product on their children. I would think if they've done is successfully it may be okay. Maybe you can try a really diluted amout to see if she has an reaction then make stronger a little bit at a time.

Hi, I don't know if you saw my post about my daughter's hair but she contracted ringworm at school and it caused her hair to fall out. She now has two big holes in her hair. I have been applying ketaconzole ointment and using Nizorol shampoo twice per week and it has slowed it down but she still has red areas on her scalp. I bought Neem oil yesterday and have been debating on using it. She is only 1 (just turned 1 two days ago) and I don't want to use anything too strong on her. What do you think?