Ladies.....Love Your Hair at EVERY Length!

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Hi ya'll. I was just thinking. :perplexed :lol:

Most of us including myself have some hair goals we would like to meet. Whether it be healthy hair with minimal split ends or longer hair. I know we are striving to get to those goals but in the process, just relax.

Don't relax till' the point where you stop taking care of your hair.:lol:

But just enjoy every length you become because when you are finally at your goal, you will see a little cute Amerie/Rihanna/Halle Berry hair cut and say, "ooooh, that is fly.":grin: So, ironic after two years or more of trying to achieve your goal.

I just wanted to write this to give encouragement to those who need it. If you are impatient, stop being because as I always say, "Time is going by anyway. So why not spend it wisely."

Meaning, God-willing, you will meet 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. Just like you can easily remember things from 2003 and 2004, you will look back at 2007 and say, "why was I rushing things."

Then you will have progress pictures to show the newbies and give them inspiration.:D
thanks. i hope it helps someone because sometimes I think people get frustrated and stop caring for their hair all together.

Then two years later they stumble back upon the forum and are at the same place they started. I would hate for that to happen to me and see people who were at my same level have reached or are near their hair goals. I'd be happy but wonder why I couldn't do the same.
Thanks for posting, it’s just what I needed to hear right now at this time. I’ve been on the board for almost 3 years, and although my hair is much healthier and longer, it’s still not exactly where I want it to be. I had a long period of trial and error. Ironically, I was frustrated at how slow I feel my progress has been lately. I had to cut about 2 inches off in March, and it feels like it’s taking forever to grow back. But you are right. I need to enjoy life right now. I have to remind myself to be patient and not jump on every bandwagon, and just keep a simple regimen, because that’s what’s best for my hair.
i see what ur saying chica. but it's sooooo hard sometimes. my hair is so broken up it makes it hard to style and it's so thin. i think it might set me back a year. :( but im not going to stop taking care of it.
I am just so thankful to have stumbled upon this site! I have learned more in the past 3 months about hair than I have for my whole entire life! I have always been really impatient with my hair and always cut it all off but now I feel I can go the distance!
It's sooooo hard. But, nice to hear. I'm currently very frustrated with my slooooow growing hair PLUS setbacks which don't help. Anyway.. I still log in this site to keep inspired and not to lose total interest and give up.
Don't worry guys.... I get the same feeling every once in a while. I think it is natural but don't let the impatience overtake you. I am upset at the fact that my hairdresser felt the need to cut my hair once and trim my hair twice in a 4 month period.

But what do I do? Keep ta' stepping. I won't be going back to him until three to four months. I really only need him to do my touch-ups.:lol:
I really like this post. I've been a member for alittle bit now and I've suffered many set backs. I think about how long my hair would be if I would have done this or didn't do that. But now I'm striving to concentrate on loving my hair this time around and not making the same mistakes I've made before. Thanks
I agree! I've finally stopped drooling for length and started enjoying my hair now. Ironically, it's also now that I'm starting to see a lot of growth. I'm even willing to trim in order to keep my hair looking good as it grows. Whereas, before I was willing to keep horrible ends just to have longer length.
Great Post. This is so true. I am learning to take care of my hair better at each length. I haven't met my goal, but I know I will if I keep doing the right things.

I was talking with a friend who is past bra strap and I was like how do you take care of all that hair, she said you learn as it grows and this has been true. :)
This is really helpful. I know that I also feel frustrated with my hair right now. But if I look back to when I started taking my pictures in March, it looks like a whole different head of hair! This is a great thread to spend my 100th post on I might add :bdance:

I can suffer with being impatient sometimes. I'm the type of person that wants everything to happen right now!!! That's why when I get tired of having shoulder length hair I just slap on a 3/4 wig (a.k.a. hair fall) :lachen:

But you can only live one day at a time right? Let's all enjoy work better to enjoy each and everyday!!!
chica_canella said:
Hi ya'll. I was just thinking. :perplexed :lol:

Most of us including myself have some hair goals we would like to meet. Whether it be healthy hair with minimal split ends or longer hair. I know we are striving to get to those goals but in the process, just relax.

Don't relax till' the point where you stop taking care of your hair.:lol:

But just enjoy every length you become because when you are finally at your goal, you will see a little cute Amerie/Rihanna/Halle Berry hair cut and say, "ooooh, that is fly.":grin: So, ironic after two years or more of trying to achieve your goal.

I just wanted to write this to give encouragement to those who need it. If you are impatient, stop being because as I always say, "Time is going by anyway. So why not spend it wisely."

Meaning, God-willing, you will meet 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. Just like you can easily remember things from 2003 and 2004, you will look back at 2007 and say, "why was I rushing things."

Then you will have progress pictures to show the newbies and give them inspiration.:D

This is a great post! I can relate becaus eI cut my hair all the time, and I have seem to lost the urge to grow my hair past shoulder length...:look:
Thanks for posting. I have been feeling really down lately b/c I really want thicker, longer hair and I am getting so frustrated, and really starting to have a serious case of hair envy. But I am seeing some growth now, and really trying to enjoy the ride.
This is so true. I remember someone telling me this about 6 months after I found this site. I started just enjoying my healthy hair, and have been every since. I know what it feels like to wait on length, but having healthy hair in itself is a huge accomplishment.
Hi ya'll. I was just thinking. :perplexed :lol:

Most of us including myself have some hair goals we would like to meet. Whether it be healthy hair with minimal split ends or longer hair. I know we are striving to get to those goals but in the process, just relax.

Don't relax till' the point where you stop taking care of your hair.:lol:

But just enjoy every length you become because when you are finally at your goal, you will see a little cute Amerie/Rihanna/Halle Berry hair cut and say, "ooooh, that is fly.":grin: So, ironic after two years or more of trying to achieve your goal.

I just wanted to write this to give encouragement to those who need it. If you are impatient, stop being because as I always say, "Time is going by anyway. So why not spend it wisely."

Meaning, God-willing, you will meet 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. Just like you can easily remember things from 2003 and 2004, you will look back at 2007 and say, "why was I rushing things."

Then you will have progress pictures to show the newbies and give them inspiration.:D

I needed that reminder:yep: I just relaxed my hair and I'm feelin..:ohwell:...soooo...bumping for anyone that's currently feeling :ohwell: about their hair:)
Nice post. Sometimes I get so fustrated with my hair. Then when I feel real bad one of my friends will say your hair is so healthy and is growing. So thanks for this post I needed to be reminded that I should enjoy my hair during this growing process!!!!!!!
I love the post, yeah I'm been thinking about is it possible for me to achieve waist length hair, and I get so sidetrack, but now I'm just going to relax and let it grow....Thanks for the post.