Ladies look at this growth in less then 1 month!

LondonDiva said:
Did anyone actually get these oils and have already started using them?

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I sarted using them yesterday- I will report back in 3 weeks- My stylist went bersek on me and cut 3 inches of my hair on friday- calling herself cutting split ends- long story-
Anyway I'm oiling evey nite- I've mixed the Wildgrowth and coconut oil with this okra and castor oil concotion that I had- crossing my fingers.....
Ladies something weird happened with my oil mixture
. Okay what yarl think this was
. I was oiling my hair and I realized that my bottle is getting empty so I am beating it, shaking it,heating it then I opened the bottle and the oil is all caked up at the bottom and hard as a rock
. I was like ellllk what happened? Pissed off
cause the store was closed couldn't get anymore wildgrowth oil. But ladies any idea what happened? I wonder why it got rock hard like that
. Someone told me that maybe the concentration of oils I put in the bottle with the wildgrowth couldn't mix well enough to stay liquid
so it turn into rock
. Well I just went and brought some wildgrowth oil ( this was the base of my mixture) and am using that without the coconut oil and castor oil I will see how it works.

Wait I think I might add the coconut oil it was more liquidy then the castor oil
I think the castor oil and the wild growth oil are both too thick toleave in a bottle- I did something else with this mixture- I had an empty jar of elasta QP mango butter with a little left on it- I put the mixture in the jar and heat it up in the microwave- no more smells- The mixture came out smelling like mango butter- I noticed that it stayed hard afterwards, so I've been putting it in the fridge and heating up every nite-
Yes it might be the coconut that solidifies in cold place. try to heat it up for seconds in the microwave and you should be fine.
could i use doogro instead of wildgrowth? what do ya'll think? I mean I thnk they both sorta have the same ingredients?
Re: Ladies look at this growth in less then 1 mont

<font color="blue"> nice growth!!! </font>
Samaria said:
could i use doogro instead of wildgrowth? what do ya'll think? I mean I thnk they both sorta have the same ingredients?

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The doogro I looked at had mineral oil. The WGO I just bought has no mineral oil.

Are you using equal amounts of each oil? Can you estimate the portions of each oil. Is it double the WGO for every 1 part of castor and coconut?

Let us know.

Thanks you last name Mack cause mine is :. Okay back to the oils. I add 1 ounce of castor oil and 1 tablespoon of the coconut oil cause it's a solid when cold so I dig it out with the spoon and slide it into the bottle with my finger tip. So they are not equal parts the WGO is the base and there is alot more of this. The WGO contains alot of good good ingredients for the hair so it is a good base to start off with
My hair is still growing yarl I will post more pictures when I receive a relaxer next month I can't wait to see what it will look like in another month
. My little sister hair is like woooo
guess what she uses WGO fo days. I will post pictures of her hair soon I will let you guys know so you can view it.
Atlien: Wow! This is great your hair really grew fast. what shampoos and conditioners are you using? also what is the name of your castor and coconut oil what brand are you using? TIA
Yes, my last name is Mack. I will be in ATL at the end of October. I think I have some relatives in GA but not on the Mack side. I'm not sure.

Anyway, how is your growth progessing. I just made some of your oil mixture but I added a fourth ingredient Surge - Motion Lotion #9. I was tempted to add Rosemary oil, but I decided against it. I'm glad I came back and read this post b/c I put equal parts of everything. Maybe I need to add some more WGO.

How is your growth progressing in this last month?
Hey Ms Mack

. We might be related
. Okay about my growth I have no idea what is going on with my hair at this point because currently I am rocking some single braids
. I got my lazy butt up and braided my hair in single box braids it looks the bomb to
loving the versatility! I did this so I could stretch my relaxer to 3months with no prob
. I think I have acquired 2 inches of growth though. When I take these braids out next week I will be sure to post some new pics
I'm going to get these and use it with my Doo Gro and Surge. Can't wait to see the results. DH is gone to Iraq so between this and the growth I got while I was pregnant with my 4th child and these products I should be at bra strap by the time he comes back next year. My hair is almost past my shoulders now.
leejure said:
Amazing growth in less than a month! Good Job Atlien

Your hair looks great as well!


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Thanks Leejure

Hey I saw your curls they are sooooo pretty I love them.

You put relaxers in those curls...bad bad girl
Re: Ladies look at this growth in less then

andreamaria said:
<font color="blue"> nice growth!!! </font>

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Re: Ladies look at this growth in less then

I don't know yet, I over mixed put too much of one thing versus another, but it is very moisturizing.
i kept meaning to but never got around to it....thanks for bumping the thread though! im gonna get the ingredients soon and try it!