Ladies I Thought I Had Hawawii Ocean in My Hair...


New Member
Okay as some of you know I did the Big Chop about a week ago
so Today I washed my hair and then decided to lay it all back with a little gellation alcohol free gel and put a little afro puff in it,well it is too short to grab but I can smooth it back so I don't look like I cut my hair off,well anyway to make a long story short,I had so many Waves in my hair it was pitiful,and my edges were smooth and my side burns have become curly and kind of bushy but they are so cute and when I put the afrpo puff on it just
went hand in hand it looked so natural and I was shocked at
the waves I saw,I have always saw waves when I had a Relaxer
but not like this,It is awesome and it looks great and I only used a little gel and brushed it back,but I was so excited I thought I should tell you all this,I know it is nothing major but I was just too tickled,it looks like one of those texturizing kits for men LOL!!!! My Hair was Drowing in Waves!!!

Thanks Ladies!!!!