Ladies, I need some advice


New Member
So as you all know I did the BC on 8/1/09, and I really don't know what to do with my hair. Right now I'm hiding it under a wig, because I really and truly don't like the shape of my hair. I'm thinking maybe I should get a weave and let it grow a little longer, I'm not really sure what styles to wear. My hair is not long enough for one full puff. I can pull the front into a puff but the sides do not reach into the puff, and then the back can go into a puff, but once again the back sides cannot. If you have any suggestions please help me out. Should I get it cut to even it out? I don't know you can see a pic of my hair shape attached. Please help!!!!


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I think your hair looks fine, but you are the one that needs to feel comfortable. I felt like you when I did my BC and I got microbraids at the time to help me through my new phase. If I had to do it over again, I would have tried other things. What about twists? I see ladies with your hair length have cute two strand twists or coil outs. You can get some cute hair accessories also.
I think your hair looks fine, but you are the one that needs to feel comfortable. I felt like you when I did my BC and I got microbraids at the time to help me through my new phase. If I had to do it over again, I would have tried other things. What about twists? I see ladies with your hair length have cute two strand twists or coil outs. You can get some cute hair accessories also.

^^ I agree with finding cute hair accessories. I haven't BC'd yet but I've already started planning how I'll wear my hair - I have a lot of scarves, see my twistout pic in my siggy and I'll definitely use them when I wear twistouts or braidouts or when I just wash my hair and go. Accessories make a lot of difference IMO. I think you should look on youtube as well as fotkis of ladies who BC'd when they were the same number of months post relaxer as you were.

Good luck, I am sure you'll be more than fine :yep:
Have you thought about mixing it up with braids or twists?

I had kinky twists for 6 weeks, and now I'm rocking some cute cornrows. I'm having fun wearing styles that I would have never worn with my relaxed hair and letting my twa grow out in the process.
I want to definitely buy some accessories for my hair, but as I said it's really the shape that I'm uncomfortable with. I didn't think about kinky twists but that's also an option. And I'm thinking of a weave definitely as well with maybe the same type of curl pattern that I have. I'm not sure. Are kinky twists bad for your hair (meaning do they pull your hair out). I've never had them before.
I want to definitely buy some accessories for my hair, but as I said it's really the shape that I'm uncomfortable with. I didn't think about kinky twists but that's also an option. And I'm thinking of a weave definitely as well with maybe the same type of curl pattern that I have. I'm not sure. Are kinky twists bad for your hair (meaning do they pull your hair out). I've never had them before.

I wore Kinky Twists last year and I didn't have a problem with breakage. As long the braider knows what she is doing, you shouldn't have that problem. The only issue I had was that the extention hair used was very drying. I cowashed almost everyday, baggied at night, and moisturized daily. My hair was in good shape when I removed the KTs.

BTW, I don't see anything wrong with your hair. It looks nice to me.:look: Hopefully, some of the of natural sisters can chime in to help you.
After I did the BC, I wore my hair in twists and braids. I got inspiration from other websites and recreated those styles with extensions. Stick with the wig; the less manipulation you to you hair, the better. Plus, while my hair is braided up, I study up on my natural hair and learn techniques to take better care of my natural texture when its out of the extensions.