Ladies, I need advice on stretching for winter.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to ask some of the super stretchers what's the best way to stretch for winter? I'm planning to stretch from late September/early October into December and need advice. I am a relaxed 4a/b with fine hair. I thought to cornrow it once every two to four weeks and wear wigs, weave it up (not really a fan of weaves though), or getting cornrows with a phony pony. I'm going to have a busy semester and need something quick and easy that will allow my hair to rest.

Any advice?
I plan on relaxing the middle or end of december... for the most part, I will just be bunning with the occassional rollerset; washing twice a week.

Sorry if I didnt offer any advice, but simplicity is best for me.
That's actually one of the options I didn't mention because I forgot. I just made a new doughnut bun (a bigger one) and it might be an idea for me. I wash and bun. My hair seems to like it and it airdries straighter.
Bumping for more replies. :)

I'm curious to see what others say about this as well, because I plan on relaxing the beginning of October, then the end of December, and stretch for 12 weeks after that, so this will take me through the whole winter as well.
I wear my hair down or in a high ponytail during the winter. It is easier for me to stretch in the winter which gives me a lot more styling options. I guess for the sake of protecting the ends a bun is good or a really moisturized rollerset.
I go 12, sometimes 15 weeks and for me, the way i avoid breakage is not trying to do 'slick'/freshly relaxed type hair styles on re-growth hair. I never ever brush my hair and I keep combing to a minimum. I wash once every 3 weeks, low manipulation works for me!