Ladies, I just got a wonderful compliment tonight & I know it is all because of LHCF!


Well-Known Member
I just got home from having drinks with a friend of mine. He sent me a text message after I left. I just had to share it with you guys. This is an exact copy of the messages:

Him: Just got home. I hope you’re home safely.

Yes I am here. That was pretty quick for you!

Him: I didn’t actually obey the speed limit! :) Have a good beauty rest. I have to let you know this, your hair looked so beautiful.

Yall, I was like :blush: WHAT?!?! Where did that come from?. Maybe I just looked cute and he did not realize why? But, when I got home, I realized, maybe my hair does actually look beautiful tonight! I have never gotten compliments like that. I have heard men say that I look pretty or that I have a nice figure, but never anything specific about my hair! It felt so good!

Thanks LHCF! Newbies and skeptics, the advice from this board is the truth and really does make a difference. But, LHCF has taught me how to really give my hair the right kind of TLC, even though I don't go to some of the extremes of some. I really don't do much - shampoo, deep condition, moisturize and roll nightly - that's it - I do comb, use heat when I need to, wear my hair down, etc. Even with that I still have seen so much improvement in my hair - in health and in length retention!

Anyway, thanks ladies! :grin: I know only you guys would appreciate such a compliment. :grin:
Re: Ladies, I just got a wonderful compliment tonight & I know it is all because of L

aww that was really nice of him!

i don't think i have gotten a direct hair compliment from a guy in a looonnnnggg time.
Re: Ladies, I just got a wonderful compliment tonight & I know it is all because of L

Girl, bask in that compliment! Your hair growing very nicely. It looks great. :yep:
Re: Ladies, I just got a wonderful compliment tonight & I know it is all because of L

aww that was really nice of him!

i don't think i have gotten a direct hair compliment from a guy in a looonnnnggg time.

Me neither Carlita, all this protective styling is making me sick. lol

Anyway HoneyDew, that compliment means alot esp if he took the time out to tell you. How was your hair styled? Straight? Curled?
Re: Ladies, I just got a wonderful compliment tonight & I know it is all because of L

Me neither Carlita, all this protective styling is making me sick. lol

Anyway HoneyDew, that compliment means alot esp if he took the time out to tell you. How was your hair styled? Straight? Curled?

Well, it is straight with a slight curl. I had Caruso'ed last night and the curls had dropped a bit. I had moisturized and combed it out before I left, but I just washed it last night, too so maybe it had more movement and body than usual. Honestly, I did not do anything extraordinary at all! Tonight I spent more time tonight trying to figure out which jeans to wear than I did on my hair! I think that is why it felt so good. I really did not "try" to make my hair be all that.
Re: Ladies, I just got a wonderful compliment tonight & I know it is all because of L

Nice one, HoneyDew. :clap:
Though I'd take those face and body compliments too. :sekret:
Re: Ladies, I just got a wonderful compliment tonight & I know it is all because of L

Very cool, HoneyDew! Your hair does look really nice! :yep:
Re: Ladies, I just got a wonderful compliment tonight & I know it is all because of L

*burst of laughter* That was too cute! Men are something else. I had a guy friend at work that always used to do that (texted me to tell me how nice i looked). Good for you, i bet you did look good! Why can't they tell us these things upfront in person!?
Re: Ladies, I just got a wonderful compliment tonight & I know it is all because of L

*burst of laughter* That was too cute! Men are something else. I had a guy friend at work that always used to do that (texted me to tell me how nice i looked). Good for you, i bet you did look good! Why can't they tell us these things upfront in person!?
for real! I bet your hair was looking fierce HoneyDew. congrats!
Re: Ladies, I just got a wonderful compliment tonight & I know it is all because of L

Hey Honeydew, you know he's right. I always look forward to your progress pics girly (even though they're so few and far between :rolleyes: j/k) You have beautiful hair!
Re: Ladies, I just got a wonderful compliment tonight & I know it is all because of L

Sweetheart, your hair *IS* beautiful! Go 'head and claim that! :woohoo2:
Re: Ladies, I just got a wonderful compliment tonight & I know it is all because of L

That is so nice! Hearing good stuff like this gives me encouragement to keep up my own hair.
Re: Ladies, I just got a wonderful compliment tonight & I know it is all because of L

all your hardwork has payed off :up: keep up the great work! I need to raid your cabinet for xmas too :lol: I got a long list of things to try....and I know you have them all in stock:grin:
Re: Ladies, I just got a wonderful compliment tonight & I know it is all because of L

Congrats HD! :flowers:
Re: Ladies, I just got a wonderful compliment tonight & I know it is all because of L

Way to go! That's awesome! Guys DO take notice of our hair. :yep: Yes ma'am!

Back when I had been really getting serious about my hair health due to the LHCF, I got my hair done at the salon with a mild relaxer, and one of my guy friends told me to my face: "I like your hair. Your hair looks really pretty like that." :D :D He was all cheesing too! :lol: I felt like I was on cloud nine. It was the first time I had a guy actually compliment me on my HAIR. and hair! Go figure! ;)
Re: Ladies, I just got a wonderful compliment tonight & I know it is all because of L

Congrats, HoneyDew! :grin: He wouldn't have gone out of his way to tell you your hair was beautiful if it wasn't true...and I'd have to agree with him, your hair is making excellent progress! :yep: Keep on doing what you're doing!
Re: Ladies, I just got a wonderful compliment tonight & I know it is all because of L

Way to go! Don't you just love compliments?! :grin:
Re: Ladies, I just got a wonderful compliment tonight & I know it is all because of L

Congrats HD!!

Your consistency is paying off. I think sometimes we take for granted the little things we do for our hair, but in reality if we stopped doing them our hair suffers. I have a male coworker whose mother was a hairdresser and he is always loving on my hair, keeps me inspired to do those "little" things! :grin:
Re: Ladies, I just got a wonderful compliment tonight & I know it is all because of L

YES, you and your hair are very pretty! NOW... tell us what we really want to know. ---->I don't think "friends" give compliments worded like that--that was sugar sweet. So will he get to move beyond friend-status one day? :D
Re: Ladies, I just got a wonderful compliment tonight & I know it is all because of L

YES, you and your hair are very pretty! NOW... tell us what we really want to know. ---->I don't think "friends" give compliments worded like that--that was sugar sweet. So will he get to move beyond friend-status one day? :D

Okay so why was I wondering the same thing? :yep:
Re: Ladies, I just got a wonderful compliment tonight & I know it is all because of L

Ladies, I really don’t think he will be able to move out of the friend status. I do think he would like to. He even had something for me last night – a bottle of wine brought back from a recent trip he went on. It was a Cabernet he got because he remembered Cabs are my favorites. :blush:

Okay, I know, when they are up giving presents and compliments they want more. But, he just cannot move out of friend status right now. It just is not possible. I felt wrong for accepting that gift. (but I did anyway)

Anyway, his comment really did make me feel good, because I would have never expected it! I have been so tired of my hair these days so to hear that gave me encouragement. :yep: