Ladies I have breakage & split ends please help


Well-Known Member
tommorrow I am getting my split ends trimmed off and today I just noticed breakage in the back of my head :wallbash: :angry2: :censored: . This weekend I plan on purchasing the following from Trade Secrets(thanks to the Nexxus ladies for their help ;) ):

How can I effectively incorporate all these products to nurse my hair back to a healthy state?
thanks in advance ladies
You could try CW conditioner washes 1-2 x/week misting with a water based mixture, and using a moisterizer, oil and baggie method check out Adrienne and Chicoro albums they explain it well, Also what styles have you been wearing is it pulling too much on that area of your hair, diet what you eat can help, vitamins too.hth
Lucia said:
You could try CW conditioner washes 1-2 x/week misting with a water based mixture, and using a moisterizer, oil and baggie method check out Adrienne and Chicoro albums they explain it well, Also what styles have you been wearing is it pulling too much on that area of your hair, diet what you eat can help, vitamins too.hth

thansk Lucia!

Currently, my hair is short(will be much shorter after my trim tommorrow) so the only style I've been wearing are the one's my stylist does at the salon(she use curling irons). Tommorrow I am going to ask here if there is any style that she can give me using jheri curl rods or something similar(that could mimic the look w/o the heat of the curling irons).

My diet how gotten completely out of hands lately due to school....this semester has been a TRYING semester for me :( and my hair shows that.

I will start doing the CW 2 times a week and the baggie method afterwards, thanks for the suggestion btw. Can you give some suggestion on the water based mist? I just placed an order with Asha's for her omega oil and leche de coco. This weekend I am going to TS and GNC in the mall and will pick up the ultra mega complete multivits from GNC.

Since getting a relaxer after being natural for 2 years my hair has done a complete 360. Hopefully, things will start turing around.
Thanks again Lucia
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If you follow the advice treatment of Shamboosie author of BEAUTYIFUL BLACK HAIR
shampoo hair twice, twel blotmost of the water. apply humectress moisturizing conditioner, use as much as needed, but in quarter size poions, not to wast product.
Distrubute thoughout the hair, place plastic cap over the hair, sit under warm dryer for twenty minutes.
Rinse the hair very well. towel blot, apply a setting lotion, and style as usual.
This treatment is constant, so do it for life! REPEAT THIS EXACT PROCESS EVERY FOUR DAYS for 4 weeks.
After 4 weeks, service the hair once every week.
hairmaster said:
If you follow the advice treatment of Shamboosie author of BEAUTYIFUL BLACK HAIR
shampoo hair twice, twel blotmost of the water. apply humectress moisturizing conditioner, use as much as needed, but in quarter size poions, not to wast product.
Distrubute thoughout the hair, place plastic cap over the hair, sit under warm dryer for twenty minutes.
Rinse the hair very well. towel blot, apply a setting lotion, and style as usual.
This treatment is constant, so do it for life! REPEAT THIS EXACT PROCESS EVERY FOUR DAYS for 4 weeks.
After 4 weeks, service the hair once every week.

That doesn't work for everyone. Humectress when left on my hair as described dries it out. Its probably from the Keratin in it. Too bad its not just one prescription for everyone.
PrettyBrownEyes said:
That doesn't work for everyone. Humectress when left on my hair as described dries it out. Its probably from the Keratin in it. Too bad its not just one prescription for everyone.

Same here. All the Nexxus stuff drys my hair out. I got samples of the Humectress and other stuff and was VERY disappointed.

I get NO breakage at all and I wash with CON Ultra moisturizing, Culture Moistureaid mixed with CON Reconstructor (this one is new) as a deep conditioner everytime I wash. (no heat - I just leave it on for 20 min or so).

I blowdry with lots of keracare Silken Seal and Flatiron w/o any additional product. I never get breakage if i moisturize daily with my WGO and a little LIV sometimes.

I agree, not all products work for everyone. I have Shamboosie's book and also Cathy Howse's book. Many of their favorite products and techniques are no good for my hair. For me the the best thing about Shamboosie's book are the interesting science facts about hair!
tishee said:
thansk Lucia!

Currently, my hair is short(will be much shorter after my trim tommorrow) so they only style I've been wearing are the one's my stylist does at the salon(she use curling irons). Tommorrow I am going to ask here if there is any style that she can give me using jheri curl rods or something similar(that could mimic the look w/o the heat of the curling irons).

My diet how gotten completely out of hands lately due to school....this semester has been a TRYING semester for me :( and my hair shows that.

I will start doing the CW 2 times a week and the baggie method afterwards, thanks for the suggestion btw. Can you give some suggestion on the water based mist? I just placed an order with Asha's for her omega oil and leche de coco. This weekend I am going to TS and GNC in the mall and will pick up the ultra mega complete multivits from GNC.

Since getting a relaxer after being natural for 2 years my hair has done a complete 360. Hopefully, things will start turing around.
Thanks again Lucia

You've got to give up the heat, I know you like the way your hair looks but for now it's a no-growth, also the rollers need to be wrapped with roller paper or it could be damaging too. PLEASE NO MORE BLOWFRYERS AND CURLING IRONS OR ANY IRONS, esp. being relaxed if you want to improve the health of your hair. Stretch out your touch-up times if you can work your way up slowly, like every 4 weeks is way too soon, try 6 then 8 weeks or more.
Try short wash and go's, depending on how short your hair is finger style it or twists, with some shea butter or mango butter and gel for styling. I use aloe vera juice and Infusium 23, but I prefer Scurl cause I'm natural and my curls need serious hydration-but if your hair is dry you may want to try it. Do you have hard water? check the articles with search on this and my journal I've just put info on that in there.
Baggie- youre hair doesn't have to be completely wet just moisterized, so you don't get a cold.
You could also try clarifying=rinsing with apple cider vineager before you deep condition weekly (If your hair is seriously damaged). I don't know if all, some, or any of this will work for you but it's a suggestion a start and has worked for me. hth :)
some good deep conditioners:
10 en 1
Avocado acondicionador from the Dominican BSS or
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hairmaster said:
If you follow the advice treatment of Shamboosie author of BEAUTYIFUL BLACK HAIR
shampoo hair twice, twel blotmost of the water. apply humectress moisturizing conditioner, use as much as needed, but in quarter size poions, not to wast product.
Distrubute thoughout the hair, place plastic cap over the hair, sit under warm dryer for twenty minutes.
Rinse the hair very well. towel blot, apply a setting lotion, and style as usual.
This treatment is constant, so do it for life! REPEAT THIS EXACT PROCESS EVERY FOUR DAYS for 4 weeks.
After 4 weeks, service the hair once every week.

hairmaster thanks for posting this!