Ladies I have an update about my vitamins.


New Member
Well I was asking around about a product called gueye hair vitamins. I started taking them on December 1 at which time my hair was 20.5 inches from hairline to my ends. Well on December 9th my hair measured 21 inches! So my hair grew.5 inches in 9 days! The product promises an inch of growth in 2-4 weeks and now I am a believer. What's more, the newgrowth that is growing in is wavy and manageable. Before gueye, my texture was like 5a, no not even 4b but 5a, anyway if I continue to grow these beautiful waves instead of naps, I think I just might go natural. If anyone is interested, the ingredients in gueye were sea kelp powder, alfalfa powder, and bee pollen. A serving, which is two pills, contains a 1050mg mixture of the above ingredients and I took 9 pills per day. The bottle cost me 16 dollars online plus shipping but if you buy the ingredients in the vitamin shoppe the cost is 16 but without shipping and handling. I am about to run out of my vitamins so I am going to try to buy the ingredients at a gnc or something and see if I get the same results. I will be sure to keep you posted!
I doubt the bee pollen increased hair growth......but I already take kelp.
I have some alfalfa in my closet. I think I'll start poppin' those.

Oh how many pills will I pop! :look:
I went to the site you posted and this is exactly what it says,

"Dosage: 3 capsules in the morning and 3 in the evening or more for maximum results. If you like, you may put all 6 in a fruit smoothie!!

Hair Peace said:
Okay, I did a search on the web and it said the dosage is 6 per day. Why were you taking 9?:confused:

Dosage: 3 capsules in the morning and 3 in the evening
carameldiva said:
i recently added bee pollen and alfalfa to my vitamin regimine- about a month ago.

carameldiva do you mind telling me what brand of bee pollen & alfalfa you take? Also, if you purchase online where do you purchase it from? tia
bellezanegra826 said:
the ingredients in gueye were sea kelp powder, alfalfa powder, and bee pollen.

I'm a believer in the sea kelp and alfalfa. I've been trying to use up some vitamins that I purchased a while ago and I've been taking sea kelp and alfalfa tablets. I got my hair pressed last month on the 11th and also trimmed about an inch off, which upset me! And the inch has grown back already. I didn't know why my hair had been growing so rapidly until now. I'm going to get the Bee Pollen and see how that affect my growth. I've been taking the sea kelp and alfalfa for about 2 months now.
beautifulwideeyes the bottle is more up to date than the website because a lot of the websites have not been updated in a whileand I did what the bottle and the customer service rep told me to do if you don't believe me then you can call them. At any rate, the only side effect that I experienced from gueye is .5 inches of newgrowth in 9 days.
Darn it! I took these pills a looooong time ago, but I wasn't consistent with them. My local black-owned healthfood store carries them, so I may have to get some more. I wish I had known these things worked!
bellezanegra826 said:
I took 9 pills per day because my bottle said to: "take 2 or 3 capsules 3 times per daily with water, juice, or meals"

I was taking these a few months ago and that is what it says on the bottles!
I'm a total believer in Alfalfa!!! :yep: I've been taking tablets for about three months and I've seen significant hair growth.

Hmm... time to look into sea kelp and bee pollen :)