Ladies, I got a growth spurt!


I don't wanna jinx it, but here goes. I've been doing my daily Cwashing and MN/MTG mix. The only thing I've done differently is daily massages. Not short ones either. Whenever my hands find my head, I get busy. I use both hands and massage not only my nape, but the skin past the nape. I got a half an inch growth in one week. I've also cut my MTG down to only in the evening, except on weekends. It doesn't matter cause I mixed MTG in my la india creme. I'm practicing 2 strand twists w my nape and now I have enough to twist. They're still small but that was something I could not do a week ago.:yay: The top of my hair is really benefitting from the massages. I just had to share my lil progress.
Congrats. I guess I probably need to measure my length so I can start tracking my progress in inches. I haven't worn my hair straight since I started co/washing and moisturizing twice a day. I don't really remember where my hair was before that.

Once again Congrats!!!!
I haven't done a scalp massage in ages. I need to get back to those... anyway, congrats!