Ladies, I am dumping my silk scarf for a doo-rag!!


Well-Known Member
I've been wearing silk scarfs for years. They slide, the knot rubs on certain spots and yes I got tired of it. So a few weeks ago I saw a doo-rag at the BSS that looked shiny and soft like satin. So i purchased it. It actually retains the moisture in my hair. It lines up on my forehead so it isn't rubbing my edges and there is no knot. I just tie it once. The string is so thin it doesn't create a bulky knot.
Anyway the silk scarfs will still have use..under my wigs. :grin:

Just wanted to share.
Great post! I've actually used du rags to fill my needs in various ways over the years, but I don't reguarly wear them to bed.

I might pull one out and try it on again to judge whether it relieves my edges more than my assortment of other wraps , bonnets, etc.

I tend to gravitate toward's men's headgear and accessories because of my large head, hands, etc., so if a du-rag is made larger than a typical woman's nightgear, I might have to permanently switch.

ETA: but wait--how do you tie a silk scarf to fit under a wig??
I'm glad you found something that works for you. I've tried doo rags to go to sleep too, but I find they suck the moisture right out of my head.
I love my satin bonnet, I have a silk and satin scarf, Tried doo-rags leaves dents, but I love the satin bonnet no problem coming off my head!
Great post!
Scarps don't work for me either since I am an active sleeper.
Especially when I straighten my hair, I have noticed that doo-rags keep my hair in place and holds it straight (when you wrap) better than a scarf does.
go yo They have silk scarves that are designed not to slide off or rub anyhing
Im wondering how do u get the scarfs under wigs also???? That would be a lovely change if u share ur secret!!!!
I have a triangle shaped silk scarf its very small..I purchased it from a clothing store it was meant to wear around the neck. I tied that on my head of course I have to adjust the triangle to fit my head. Then i put on my stocking cap and its flat as if there is nothing there.
I've been wearing silk scarfs for years. They slide, the knot rubs on certain spots and yes I got tired of it. So a few weeks ago I saw a doo-rag at the BSS that looked shiny and soft like satin. So i purchased it. It actually retains the moisture in my hair. It lines up on my forehead so it isn't rubbing my edges and there is no knot. I just tie it once. The string is so thin it doesn't create a bulky knot.
Anyway the silk scarfs will still have use..under my wigs. :grin:

Just wanted to share.

Thanks for the post. Do you have a picture or link? I am looking for a doo rag too but I don't know which one to get.
I'm glad you discovered the power of the doo; I been wearing doo-rags for a min now for my wraps.
I use a doo rag too. I found one that doesn't have the long "tail" and its a silk like material that doesn't suck moisture out of my hair. I think its great. Its worked better for me than a satin bonnet, silk scarf, etc and it works well with pin curls and cross wraps.
I use a doo rag too. I found one that doesn't have the long "tail" and its a silk like material that doesn't suck moisture out of my hair. I think its great. Its worked better for me than a satin bonnet, silk scarf, etc and it works well with pin curls and cross wraps.

THIS!!!! I found the same one. Its so silky & soft. My hair is still moist when i take it off. Its a keeper!!! :grin:
I used to use doo rags, but I get lazy with having to tie it up all the time. Now I use ties, just place on like a shower cap!
I am wearing my du-rag right NOW! :D I love it. It's actually an ex's that he left at my house years and years ago. As my hair gets longer I find it gets trickier fitting it all underneath a scarf. I put the du-rag on, and I can use the long flap to cover parts of my hair that would be hard to otherwise get covered. Sometimes (like right now) I put a headband on top to help it stay in place, and cover with a satin sleep bonnet.
go yo They have silk scarves that are designed not to slide off or rub anyhing

Pretty wrap damaged my edges. I've only been wearing it for about a month wgen I notice a line with no hair on my edges on the left side. I later realized that that line was where the prettywrap would slide to, and stay while I was sleeping.

Silk scarves slide off my head. Satin caps work well as long as I change them often. I have to buy them every few months before they start getting old. Long as they're NEW they work great.
I agree. I use a satin doo rag. It is the only thing that will stay on through out the night when my hair is straight. I guess I sleep like a wild woman. I found mine a while ago at a BSS in Atlanta. I probably need to buy a couple to have them in my stash. I keep a variety of different scarves, bonnets and my trusty doo rag depending on my hairstyle. Twists work better with bonnets for me, flat ironed hair works better with the doo rag and buns/ponytails work better with a scarf. :yep:
I wear mine under my half wigs. I cut the back tail and tuck what's left under the wig. I love it because it's adjustable and doesn't slide off. :)
I read that someone on this board actually safety pins their silk scarf to their pillow. I thought that was a great idea for all the reason the OP mentioned.

Right now if I'm flatironed, I use a combination of a scarf and a satin bonnet. My edges need to be forced to lay down. LOL.
go yo They have silk scarves that are designed not to slide off or rub anyhing

I have one of these. i need to get another b/c I love it.

Now I only use my silk scarf to flatten my edges after I wash my hair. No sleeping in it.