Ladies how do you achieve shiny hair?


Well-Known Member
I'm always on the lookout for products that will give my hair that added bling and I would love to hear suggestions of how other ladies achieve their shiny hair. So please could you answer these template questions, and even better add a picture! :grin:

What products or tools do you use (ie hair polish, heat stylers)

How do you wear your hair normally?

Do you use a clear rinse or semi/permanent hair colour?

Any other tips?
My hair is currently in braids but I use a hair polisher as my second to last or sometimes last step, it depends on whether I'm using an oil sheen or not.

Daily, I bun my hair and detangle with oil so it always gives off shine.
A good moisturizer sealed with COCONUT OIL! I use Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil as a moisturizer. Coconut oil works like magic. It makes my hair really soft and shiny, and my hair just looks ... rich!

Also, from my experience, using really cold water to do my final rinse closes my cuticles and makes my hair really shiny even before I put any product in my hair. Some ladies use Apple Cider Vinegar to rinse their hair. This also gives the hair some shine.

I'm relaxed 3c/4a and most of the time I wear my hair out. I wash, steam and roller-set at least once a week. I use ORS as my leave-in and apply coconut oil to seal. Then for heat protection I use Keracare Silken Seal, but again I think what makes my hair shiny is Coconut Oil because when I moisturize and seal during the week the BLING comes out! :grin:
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co-signing on the Coconut Oil!!! It is the best oil for leaving a nice high gloss shine. I especially use it when I straighten my hair. I get so many compliments on how shiny and healthy my hair looks.
using Coconut oil as a pre-poo and sealear and adding ceramide oils to my DC (currently ricebran oil) has created a healthy sheen for my hair. but the best part about it all is that my is not oily to the touch either.
What products or tools do you use (ie hair polish, heat stylers)
I usually do a EVOO hot oil treatment weekly. After my hair is dry from my DC & all, I apply a light coating of jojoba oil. My hair stays shiny until all week long. If I want extra bling, I spray on a glosser by ApHogee.

How do you wear your hair normally?
Buns, half wigs, or curly styles

Do you use a clear rinse or semi/permanent hair colour?


Any other tips?
I always make sure my hair is properly moisturized. That way, I'm not adding product to dry hair and creating the illusion of health just because it has shine.
I use conditioners that rinse cleanly off the hair. Conditioners that leave a lot of residue makes my hair dull. I use lacio lacio as a leave in, kenra shine serum if I am blow drying and keracare silken seal liquid sheen if I am flat ironing. My products are light weight and not very heavy.
i use jet black dye on my hair, followed up with a clear rinse. bling bling! :D
my natural hair color is very dull...
since i became seriuous about looking after my hair, les than a year ago, i have noticed gradually more shine instead of sheen:grin: .
also the hair texture has been changing (don't know if i can say it like that), it is really shiny and soft and sometimes people ask me if i have chemical in my hair:look:
i put in down to moisture and i also always add ceramides oil in my Dc and leave in!

hope that help!!!!!!!!!!!
If wearing my hair naturally...
  • For Buns - S-Curl and/or Aussie Moist Conditioner with some oil/grease smoothed into a bun.
  • For Twist-Outs/Knot-Outs - Cantu leave-in cream or Aussie Moist Conditioner with oil/grease.
If wearing my hair straight... grease applied to hair before flat-ironing
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Wow...not one person uses good old-fashioned oil sheen?

Well...I don't. I'm just pointing out that it hasn't been mentioned.:look:

I use Qhemet Biologics Amla and Olive Heavy Cream. It keeps my hair sooo shiny and I experience zero greasiness. I also only have to apply it once a week. The sheen stays up until the next wash. I also use the Olive and Honey Hydrating Balm, but I get serious sheen w/out it.

Other products I recommend:
ORS Olive Oil Sheen Spray
Coconut Oil
Fantasia IC Straightening Serum
Hot Six Oil
ETA: Hair Grease...duh
John Freida Clear Glaze. It has a low pH (4.0-3.5) and I use it in place of Porosity Control. This is one of my staples and one of the best products on the market.
I don't really use any particular products specifically for shine. I use minimal product on my hair, I'm a firm believer in less is more, I clarify often and make sure my conditioners are rinsed out really well. Cold water rinses are also great for shine.

I wear my hair in braidouts 75% of the time and blow dried and hotcurled the other 25%.

I use a ceramic blowdryer and curling iron, which both add lots of shine to my hair.
Thanks ladies. I think what I've found is you really must thoroughly rinse the hair in order to ensure that every trace of conditioner is removed because any excess can leave the hair dull looking, particularly the thick conditioners. I always rinse with cold water as well, it's not very pleasant but it really does work imo!

Also, I find my hair imparts more shine the more healthy that it is. The right vitamins and diet plays a big part here also.
What products or tools do you use (ie hair polish, heat stylers)

How do you wear your hair normally?

Do you use a clear rinse or semi/permanent hair colour?

Any other tips?
don't over do it with evco or you'll end up oily
I'm wearing my hair in twists at the mo

Evelyn Products - Coconut Cocktail

Crown Pride Naturals - Organic Coconut and Sapote Soufflé

Both product soften/moisturise and give an amazing shine.
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What products or tools do you use (ie hair polish, heat stylers)
Vitale Oil Free Hair Polish + Moisturizing twice daily+Oil Sheen to seal

How do you wear your hair normally?
Hair is just past EL so wear it out mostly with the back ends tucked in.

Do you use a clear rinse or semi/permanent hair colour?


Any other tips?
Too much product, weighs down my hair so I use Pure Oils (Coconut/Castor/Olive) to seal occasionally 2-3 times a week
For some odd reason I was born with almost ping pang shiney hair, but when my hair is dry, and damaged (as for anyone else) the shine decreases, I get even more shine by

Keeping my hair moisturized
ACV rinses after every wash (smooth cuticles= more reflection of light)
Coconut or Vatika Oil
Argan Oil blends
I just purchased some Bear Fruit Hair Shine Rinses. I got the Red Wine Rinse w/Resveratrol (which is popping up in all these skin/hair products lately)

And the Green Tea and Apple. I'll report back in this thread after I get them and use them if I see a significant amount of shine from using a Shine Conditioning Rinse.