Ladies, get the FRESH stuff! (Neith's 1001st henna question)


New Member
My henna came in from hennasooq today :yay:

I thought I hated the smell of henna, but I must've gotten some old, stale henna or something. This stuff smells sweet almost and I don't mind it. It's a deep green color... the other stuff that I tried before was the same brand (jamila) but it looked brown and smelled like mud.

I guess it's the freshness.

As for the question... I'm mixing it now. I got some orange essential oil, would you recommend adding it now, or right before I use it? I don't want to mess up the dye release thing.

Expect an update in my fotki soon :grin:
I would add it after letting it develop if you are considered with using it to color your hair. Everything I have read says that the condidtioning effects develop much quicker then the color.
Kay, thanks :)

I'll cover it now and wait for my precious dye release :) It's a shame that I'm so excited, lol.
I'm too messy for henna!:blush: My hubby would kill me.:lachen: I'll be looking for your updates, Neith!
Hennasooq's products are the highest quality. I can't speak highly enough about the henna. Please let us know how your henna turned out.
I'm up mad early putting henna in my hair :lol:

100g isn't enough for my hair :( I kinda ran out in the middle...

The back of my hair is not as well covered as the front, but it's still enough that I feel comfortable that I'll get good color/conditioning. Next time I'll add another half a box.

Dang, my hair is baaaaarely shoulder length, but it can hold so much product. Makes no sense :nono: