Ladies can you rank the following protein treatments for me please?


Well-Known Member
Elucence emrt, Giovanni nutrafix reconstructor, Aveda damage remedy treatment and Jocio K pak? The problem that I am having is knowing what strength each one is?

thanks in advance,

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SerenityBreeze said:
I am not sure about the others but aveda damage remedy does not work like a heavy protien for me. It is more of a moistuirzer.

Tishee, I never tried the rest but Aveda DR is basically like what SerenityB said for me. It's very moisturizing, with a hint of protein. I don't even need to follow with a moist. conditioner. It's like a really intense deep conditioner for me.
ladies thanks SO much! I am going to get the joico kpak and the aveda dr. When I took my braids out in Jan, I got a chance to try the nutrafix and I did not like it at all.