Lacio Lacio- What am I doing wrong?


Last week I ordered a bunch of hair products from sickbay after I read some of the reviews of them on here. Now...I'm not quite sure what the problem is but when I used this product, my felt a little like straw which never happens when I use my motions hair lotion. I was under the impression that it was a leave in and now I'm wondering if it was a waste of my money because a leave-in shouldn't leave my hair feeling like that. I went ahead and used the motions lotion like I always do and then my hair felt soft and was smooth. I haven't used lacio lacio again because I wanted to get tips on how to use it. ( And by the way, when I used it my hair was still damp from the co wash I had just completed.) I REALLY don't like the fact that it has alcohol in it(which probably is the culprit of that straw-like feeling) but I assumed that because it was recommended, you guys add something to it. My questions are: What did I do wrong with this product? Is it even a leave-in? And has anyone else had a bad experience with this?
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I haven't ever had a problem with Lacio Lacio. It leaves my hair very silky and soft. The alcohol that is in it is not the drying kind. Cetearyl alcohol is mostly a filler.
I haven't had a bad experience with Lacio Lacio, but I haven't ever really had a good experience either. Using it on my hair is like using nothing at all - it doesn't make it soft or more manageable like other leave-ins do. Nor does it give me the great, bouncy rollerset that others speak of. I've chalked it up as a classic example of everything not working for everyone.
luvSLave said:
I haven't had a bad experience with Lacio Lacio, but I haven't ever really had a good experience either. Using it on my hair is like using nothing at all - it doesn't make it soft or more manageable like other leave-ins do. Nor does it give me the great, bouncy rollerset that others speak of. I've chalked it up as a classic example of everything not working for everyone.
It's crazy that u posted this because I think this is what my problem was-I expected the same results as everyone else and thought I was "using it wrong" when I didn't get them. I've already bought it and I'm not trying to throw it away after 1 use.....I won't buy anymore but as for this one...What did u do with yours? Did u mix it with something else or just toss it?
My feeling are mixed about the Lacio Lacio also..
I will try it one more time as a leave-in and if it does not perform like it should ... Out it goes....

But I have been using mine on dry hair with a little oil mixed with it and it works fine... It contains hydrolized silk, which I think is protein... So I use it every other day or so... Other ladies have used it on dry hair also...

I've been using mine on dry hair as well. I haven't noticed anything different since using it, besides breakage, which I'm hoping is just from this long stretch. So I can't say I love it, and I can't say I hate it either, but I don't think I will buy it again. I think Salerm is a much better leave in.
I can only see the silky hair when I use lacio for rollersets. That's the only time it really works for me.

It doesn't work for me when i just want to air dry. It just doesn't detangle much.
This happened to me too. Luckily, they had a sample-sized bottle at my BSS for like $3 so I don't feel like I wasted money. But yes, my hair felt like straw too. So bad, I had to wash it and start over. I thought it was me, but when I went to the Dominicans, they used it, and my hair did not turn out good that day. I was so looking forward to a silky, soft, beautiful rollerset. Some things just ain't meant to be I guess.
Lacio Lacio works great on my hair and leaves it shiny soft and silky.
I dont use a lot of it and my rollerset turn out great.
Sometime I mix it with Rivas Silicon Mix leave it and it works even better.
I've been using Lacio Lacio for quite some time now and it always leaves my hair very soft. Never straw-like, but I think you might have used too much of it. Plus, if your hair really works well with Motions stick with what you know. It's very rare that you hear that Lacio Lacio aint the truth. Try it a couple more times and see if you get positive results.
Well, is there anything else I can do with this stuff? Can I add something to it to make it be more moisturizing? This is a whole bottle and I refuse to throw it away! There as to be a way to make it better....Have any of you mixed it with anything before and had it work better for u? Madisan
I love Lacio Lacio.
I haven't used it by itself yet though.
I usually put it in after I put in my Rusk Smoother leave in. Then I add Lacio Lacio. My hair comes out so silky and shiny afterwards.
I just tried Lacio Lacio for the first time last week and it worked pretty well. I was actually able to get a comb through my 12 weeks of new growth! It almost made me cancel my appointment for a touch-up. I applied a small amount to the length of my hair, then I went section by section and applied it to my ng.

I hope you find a way to make it work for you too.:)