Lace closure/wig vendor: who's the best?


Well-Known Member
I am an old school EP fan but wanted to see of there were some new players on the scene.

I would like to purchase either |lace closure with hair for an install | or |lace wig|.

Have I missed anything?

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I was doing some research on BHM and they speak highly of Halley's Curls' closures. I want on and purchased the closure and hair. I was looking at EP but that was too much for my first install!!
I've been thinking about a closure/partial as well. I checked Wagman's website yesterday, but didn't settle on anything. I'm going to install EPRT and this would be my first time using a closure. I'm hoping I'll be able to handle having one on my head...when the itchies come..

I'd like to put all of my hair away, but I don't want it to look too unnatural around the hairline....annnnnndddddd there is the $ factor...Any good options?
Some of my out of town friends have used Halleys Curls and raved about it but I have never seen this hair in person. Please give me an update...

And even though EP is expensive, the relaxed texture is still the best weave I have ever seen.

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