Labor Day Stretch Club


Well-Known Member
O.K Ladies, After a 16 weeks stretch I get a perm tomorrow and my hair is healthier for it. I know alot of us participated in the APRIL FOOL STRETCH CLUB....Now it's time for another stretch. I know most of us benefited from the challenge. Well this time I am shooting for 5 months and with a good support group like last time, I am sure we can get through it. NOW HOW IS WITH ME???? Can we make it until Labor Day, September 4, 2006.
As a April Fools Stretch Challenger I am all for a Labor Day Stretch...I was planning for that to be the next time I relaxed any.

I'm actually getting my relaxer on thursday so I'm all up for a 4.5 month stretch during the hot summer months. It doesn't seem so impossible since I just got through this one.

This is wonderful I'll be down to 3 relaxers per year...I can hear the money jingling in my pocket:D . I haven't been to a salon since before Christmas which is rare for me.

Go Labor Day Stretch Club!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well after the April Fools Stretch, I figured some of us (mostly me) could use the support to go for another round. I am down to 3 relaxers a year too..:) Thank you ladies for joining.
I broke down I had to perm. I only had two weeks left and I broke. I am sorry. I could not do it any more. Well, 4 months 2 weeks was pretty darn good on the 1st try.
