Korean Gospel Choir

They have really been studying us. I was checking out one of the ladies winding her head in emphasis to the song...lol so funny!!! Nevertheless, I think they sound wonderful!!
^^Yeah, I think they each, at some time in life, must have been foreign exchange students living with Christian families that attended black churches! :rofl:
Hi, Super,

I finally got to see this vid and I must say that was refreshing to experience.. wow. They're very good!

And guess what he said at the end? "Hallelujah".. No translation lost there.. LOL!


[p.s. I've seen/heard reggae Pakistani artists that would give some Jamaicans a run for their money.. amazing. Music really is universal. It's good to see other people in the world appreciate other cultures/people]
I saw this a few weeks ago. I loved it.

I like it because it really isn't them mimicking us. They are just praising God. They are singing a different genre, but there isnt any faking the funk. They know what they are singing and they and singing it unto the Lord. That's awesome.

I've sung some Chinese songs in my all black a capella group. We were singing in Chinese so we had a journey to get to the point of feeling what we were singing. We learned the words we were able to sing it well than we had to break down what we were really saying, because it was missing true passion. When we got that part down..we were popping...and folks were blessed.
^^Yeah, I think they each, at some time in life, must have been foreign exchange students living with Christian families that attended black churches! :rofl:

This was great! Wow!
You know the whole world always watches America and sees how beautiful gospel is in America so they do the same!
I was beautiful! I love it
I just watched this and several of the other videos I reached through the link. I was really blessed by it. I thought it was wonderful because of the way they were praising God and it reminded me of how every nation is called to bless God and love Jesus. It's not about a white religion or a black or American religion. Yes, for a few seconds it crossed my mind if they were just trying to mimic us or act American, but I could see that this was real and they worked very hard, just like any other successful choir to be able to express worship in this way. And there were people in the congregation had true praise rather than this being a "show" for them. I just loved it.
This reaffirms my stance on being a Christian...I AM BLESSED TO BE A CHILD OF THE LIVING GOD!!!

I can't wait for all of us who really love Jesus and serve Him totally and completely, spirit..soul..body and relationships, to be united together, IN ONE ACCORD, singing praises and giving glory and honor and praise to the ONE AND ONLY TRUE & LIVING GOD!!!


Jesus, gets all the praise....