>>**Knots, Tangles, Matted Hair....Oh My!**<<


Well-Known Member
"Paul Mitchell The Detangler is Tha Truth!!!"
- or -
"Un-locing Your Terrifyingly Tangled Hair"

I just had to share.

My daughter is natural waistlength, 3b-ish, I guess, and we've been on the go and I haven't thoroughly combed out her hair in 2 weeks :look::perplexed:ohwell:*ducking*
I know I am so wrong for that, but I'm just getting over the a really bad case of the flu. Anyhoo, I finally had to get down to the get down, because her hair had shrunken to fist-sized puffs. It was horrible. Her hair is generally a breeze to shampoo and style, but this, this was something to fear....:sad:.

So, i come home, we go straight to the bath and I give her a baking soda dc, which usually does the job, quick and easy. Not today.

I then used my trusty Lusters Sheabutter Conditioner mixed with honey dc... Uh uh. Nope.

I then tried Coconut Oil followed by globs of Tressemme Moisture Rich...I start to panic...I envision cutting inches and inches of my daughters' hair out. I shudder.
People will think I'm an unfit mother. I can hear it now, "How could she let her daughter's beautiful hair just go like that? She should be ashamed!" I peruse her tresses. The knots were only in the two front ponytails, the rest of her hair was fine. I thought, waistlength in the back, ear-length bob in the front? :nono:....Eh, Not a good look.

So, thinking I needed more moisture, fast, I was about to smear on a fourth supa-mega-glob of Sheabutter, when my eyes fell on Paul Mitchell The Detangler... thoughts began to flash. *Hey, this stuff has bailed me out in the past. It worked pretty good before. But this is a serious job...hmmm, let's try it.* I say a quick prayer, "Please, Lord, I'll never go this long without detangling her hair again! Let this work!!"

I begin to immerse the ponytails with The Detangler and mir-a-cu-lous-ly, her hair begins to loosen. Slowly, but surely, her ponytails are lengthening...the hair is separating and coming apart!!! My daughter - her hair - her hair is un-loc-ing! It is doing the impossible...it is de-tangling!! I haven't even used a comb!?!

Thank you, Jesus!!!

She lost a meager amount of her hair (maybe the size of a half-dollar?)through this whole process. Incredible. Unbelievable. But true.

I just had to share in case someone was in need of MAJOR hair detangling help. Now I'm off to take 2 tylenol pm after that intense and grueling workout.

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I love the way you tell stories :grin: I'm so glad you didn't have to cut all that hair off! *adding PM The Detangler to list*

Oh, and :spank:
You guys are more than welcome and thanks for your comments. I think PM The Detangler is COMPLETELY overlooked and GROSSLY underrepresented. This thing is a miracle in a bottle! This thing makes caring for curly natural hair a ~breeeeze~.
LOL!! :lachen: I gladly take that butt-whipping, Tiffers. I definitely deserve it. Yep, I do. As a matter of fact, I'll whip my own @$$:spank::spank: - twice.

I love the way you tell stories :grin: I'm so glad you didn't have to cut all that hair off! *adding PM The Detangler to list*

Oh, and :spank:
You guys are more than welcome and thanks for your comments. I think PM The Detangler is COMPLETELY overlooked and GROSSLY underrepresented. This thing is a miracle in a bottle! This thing makes caring for curly natural hair a ~breeeeze~.

Glad PM was able to win the day. You make me want to try it. And I already gave it to trying a new conditioner the other week. Maybe when I run out I'll try it.
This is hilarious! Glad it worked out. I am looking for a good detangler- so thanks, I may have to give this a whirl!
You are right on with that! PM the Detangler has been a staple of mine for years, relaxed, transitioning and natural.

Its so light you can co-wash with it or leave it in. Untangles and tames!

I have not experienced any other detangler that even touches it:yep:

Smells good too!:grin:
I used the generic version from Sally's and it saved my hair from a serious tangled, matted mess. People definitely need to give it a shot.
I think of Ateeya had used The Detangler when she removed her sew-in she would have saved herself alot of hair and heartache. :-(