KLB's Scripture for Surgery


Well-Known Member
Good Morning, Sunshines! Isn't God good? :grin:

Yesterday, I asked KLB to pick a scripture that she would stand on during surgery. One that she knows so well that her spirit will speak it today when her brain and mouth cannot. This is the scripture she chose:

I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust." -Psalm 91:2

So let's stand together on His word. We know that He will be her place of protection today. He is our God and we trust in Him. Her surgery is schedled for 4:30pm today.
I'm in agreement. While I'm fairly new to the board, I've been blessed by some of KLB's comments, and I want to be a blessing to her in return.
I'm standing in agreement with you ladies. I'm also believeing God for her speedy recovery.

Thanks for posting Kbragg.
Amen, Sweet Mocha...Amen!

I've been praying for our sister all morning. I love that you posted this for we are in one accord. I am definitely standing...

"For God covers her with His feathers and under His wings shall she trust." There shall no evil befall her and neither shall any plague come nigh her dwelling. (Psalm 91:4 and 10)

No hospital mishaps or viruses shall find its path near her; there is a shield round about our precious KLB where nothing shall by any means hurt her neither compromise her health or well being. Her recovery shall be swift; swift as the flight of an eagle, who renews it's strength and it's youth in the Lord. She shall be whole and pain free...

In Jesus's name, Amen and Amen.

Love you Sweet Mocha :love3:

In Jesus's name we pray, Amen and Amen.... :heart2:
Oh, I'm so sorry that I didn't get to see this this morning...thanks, Mocha for starting such a wonderful thread!

Luv you!