

New Member
Ladies, again I need your help. I just did my first BKT about 3 weeks ago. For the most part, my hair is silky soft, but my kitchens are not. When I wrap my hair at night, I can't 'catch' the kitchens in the scarf so that leaves them out. By morning, they are dry and messy.

Does anyone have any tips?
WTF are kitchens? lol I thought you were talking about the kitchen in my house. Lol I wash my hair in the kitchen sink :-D. I will be keeping an eye on your thread OP, I need to understand what you mean.
I used Organic Thermo Fusion...bought it off of eBay. My problem is that I mostly work in a warehouse slinging boxes. I sweat alot so my hair takes a beating. I try to use heat only 2x per week but in the summer it's hard not to with all my sweating. When I wrap at night, I'll use either Argan oil or Tea Tree oil and Aphogee Keratin and Green Tea.
i've never heard of that brand. it's a real bkt, or like those temporary "test the water" brands?
I've heard the term kitchen before. I think its more of a southern thing. Deep south. My mom's from Mississippi and she says the weird stuff. :yep:
Try doubling up on the moisturizing and sealing in the "kitchen" area. After moisturizing and sealing your whole head once, go back and lightly moisturize and seal the "kitchen" area again. You WILL see a difference.
So, i let my kitchen just go wild cuz it's unruly as hell, but when I used to wrap my hair and wanted it straight I would do this:

use a comb to make a horizontal part right above the kitchen to separate it from the rest of your hair (u can include a tiny bit of 'non kitchen" hair too)

Wrap your hair as normal. (keeping the kitchen part OUT)

lightly oil the kitchen and boar bristle brush it smooth

then with your hand smooth it UP towards the top of your head, flat against the wrapped hair part (so it's going up and your wrapped hair is going horizontal right..)

bobby pin the kitchen hair so it stays up.

put your scarf on covering errythang up and go to sleep.

when you wake up, don't forget to unpin the kitchen first, before you unwrap the rest of your hair.

your kitchen will (should) be smooth and not dry.

It worked for me, i hope it works for you.
I used Organic Thermo Fusion...bought it off of eBay. My problem is that I mostly work in a warehouse slinging boxes. I sweat alot so my hair takes a beating. I try to use heat only 2x per week but in the summer it's hard not to with all my sweating. When I wrap at night, I'll use either Argan oil or Tea Tree oil and Aphogee Keratin and Green Tea.

You may not want to use Aphogee Keratin and Green Tea more than once a week. This is a light/med protein. If over used it can make your hair hard. I spray it on my hair 1x a week. But then again I co-wash almost daily which brings back a lot of moisture into my hair. I know some people on the board who said they've had the Green Tea Restructurizer for over a year because they used it VERY sparingly. So you may want to cut down on the daily use of this product.
You may not want to use Aphogee Keratin and Green Tea more than once a week. This is a light/med protein. If over used it can make your hair hard. I spray it on my hair 1x a week. But then again I co-wash almost daily which brings back a lot of moisture into my hair. I know some people on the board who said they've had the Green Tea Restructurizer for over a year because they used it VERY sparingly. So you may want to cut down on the daily use of this product.

That may very well be what's doing it. I will chill on the Aphogee and see what happens...going out to get a satin pillowcase too...