Kinky Twists and the Crown and Glory Method


New Member
Hello. I just got kinky twists and I love them. I plan to keep them in until end of summer. Can you please advise me on how I can maintain them, i.e. swimming, washing, moisturizing, etc.? Thank you!
Um this is tricky im not sure what type of hair u used but if its that Afro type i wouldnt wash those things or they will puff out. I would use some type of astringent and the q- tip method to cleanse the scalp weekly. or some type of dry shampoo. As for swimming in them, honestly i wouldnt get them wet especially since u are trying to keep them in ALL summer they may start to unravel and puff. If the braider used beeswax on the end then thay may stay put. For moisturizing id used the same ol braid spray and some type of leave in moisturizer, or you could make your own spritz with some oils. HTH
I treat my kinky twists like I do all other braids. I treat all other braids just like I treat my hair (except I only use light proteins and leave-in conditioners).
You can check out my journal (click on my username and select "Visit preciousjewel76's journal") . I asked a similar question not too long ago and I got some great ideas in the thread I created. Check out the entry titled "self-braiding tips".:)
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Dlene said:
Hello. I just got kinky twists and I love them. I plan to keep them in until end of summer. Can you please advise me on how I can maintain them, i.e. swimming, washing, moisturizing, etc.? Thank you!

Sorry, I have no advice. I just wanted to tell you your hair looks nice. :)

I'm definitely getting some for the summer. I never liked them til I saw how good LondonDiva looked in them.
Ditto I want to know also I have mine in. I am sure they are no different than my Senegalese twists that I normally maintain

Dlene said:
Hello. I just got kinky twists and I love them. I plan to keep them in until end of summer. Can you please advise me on how I can maintain them, i.e. swimming, washing, moisturizing, etc.? Thank you!
Dlene said:
Hello. I just got kinky twists and I love them. I plan to keep them in until end of summer. Can you please advise me on how I can maintain them, i.e. swimming, washing, moisturizing, etc.? Thank you!

I want kinky twists. What kind of hair did you use? Everyone has such pretty twists!! Sareca, LondonDiva!! Wow!
I just took down my kinky twist. I had them from January until the start of April. I washed once a week with shampoo and conditioner and every other week I would put one of those big hair nets on my head and clarify with Pantene Clarifying Shampoo.

At night I would Spray some Surge on my scalp, a moisturizer such as Carefree Curl or Cathy's Dew and sometimes for more protein I would use Infusium. After that I would take a little oil and rub it over my hair to lock in the moisture.

... I hope that helps.