Kinky Twist- To relax or not


Well-Known Member
Question, My hair is about 9 weeks post relaxer and I am getting Kinky twist in about 3 week's. My question is do you think i should relax my hair now or wait unitl I take my braids out. I plan on leaving them in from July 3 until the begining of October that would put me at about 24 weeks post if i don't relax now.
Don't relax right now. It'll be better for your hair in the end to just leave it as is for the kinky twists.
I think you should wait on relaxing also. After a relaxer your hair is gonna be a lil weaker so adding more stress by putting in braids, IMO, would not be good for your hair.

Plus the hair will hold better to you course new growth as compared to the newly relaxed strands.

:) :) :)