King of Queens - Do Men Really Hate Buns?


Deep Thinker
Anybody see the King of Queens last night? It was soo funny! :lachen:The whole show dealt with Carrie deciding to wear a bun to change up her style and Doug just HATING it and not wanting to tell her. He was repulsed by it and every time he'd walk in the room and see it he would frown up his face. He said it made her look like an old lady or librarian. Carrie kept wearing the bun just to spite him after she found out he hated it. I know it's only a TV show, but is it really that deep??? I thought about it and my BF isn't too crazy about buns either and I never thought about them associating it with a librarian or whatever. Of course we all know they prefer to have our hair down all the time but we know with protective styling it's not always happening.

Do you think most men feel like this about buns? :look:I always thought a nice messy bun was the sexiest thing ever. I just thought it was funny to see how much it bothered him.

ETA: Here are some links to the show. You can start from about the 4 minute mark on the first video. Hilarious!
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My DH calls it a dookie ball! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

But he's aiight with it as long as I show my length from time to time. As for the show, no I haven't seen it.
My hubby loves my hair in a ponytail so a bun is just as good..:yep: which is a great thing because I bun a lot some men do find it sexy. I think it depends on the man's personal preference on what they like to see..I mean personally it should'nt matter but they're entitled to their opinions...I think :lachen:
I thought it was strict buns they have a problem with.

as long as some loose hair falls down the down or side, should be nice

right? LOL
I thought it was strict buns they have a problem with.

as long as some loose hair falls down the down or side, should be nice

right? LOL

My DH likes buns as long as they are messy and still show length. He thinks tight buns look, well....uptight. I'm afraid to wear my hair in a tight bun (too much tension).
LOL... Carrie's bun was kinda loose but it was kinda strict at the same time because there was no loose hairs so maybe that's it that they don't like them tight like that. I thought it looked cute on her too.

And I'm cracking up thinking of them referring to them as a dookie ball. MEN!!... you gotta love em though :grin:

Oh yeah, the guy Deacon told her it looked "butt-*** ugly" and she took it down after that:lachen:
My husband likes buns. But he's very much into me being "ladylike" so I think that's really it. (he's so square. haha) I've told him about ppl's DH/SO's having issues with buns here on the board. He doesn't get why a guy would care that much about it--he says he could understand if it was about cutting hair though. Anyway, I guess, I'm lucky. But I'd highly doubt I would care if he hated my buns anyway. lol
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My DH calls it a dookie ball! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

But he's aiight with it as long as I show my length from time to time. As for the show, no I haven't seen it.

That's so funny! My DH calls the two french braids I sleep in "dookie braids". He'll say, "Hey, when you gonna have a bm?" if I don't have em' in at night. :ohwell:
hubby does not like it really because I don't like him to touch my hair when it is in a bun. I like to keep it smooth and sleek - no loose hairs. But now since my HHJ, I have stopped with the buns and just pull back and clip. He likes that better, although he still can not touch. :grin:
I been strict with my PS for 15 months now, and really don't care what any man thinks of my choice of PS! I will continue wearing my bun until I get to my hair goal!
LOL I seen that episode awhile back. It was hilarious but that show always is. I don't care what any man thinks about my hair. It's on my head so get over it.

OT-Carrie body is nice and I think she is so pretty. I loved that show.
I had an ex that didn't come right out and say he didn't like the bun but he would make a point every couple of weeks to say I should do something with my hair. (The bun has been my main style since middle school. No fuss, pull it back and go - love that) so I cut off all my hair and what did he say when he saw it for the first time? - Nothing. There's just no pleasing some people I guess.
Dang! I missed that episode, i love the show. I wear protective styles all the time and i bun sometimes, my DH better like it, lol:kiss2:
I think men especially hate buns on Caucasian women. In my neck of the woods, I never see a Caucasian lady wearing a bun unless she is older. I will see AA ladies wearing buns at any age.

I grew up wearing buns a lot and wore a "tucked under" bun a lot when I was relaxed so DH is just used to it. I actually don't bun as much as I used to, but I think he'd probably prefer it to twists.
My BF loves when I wear my hair up. Especially in a bun! :grin::grin:
As long as I can still keep it sexy (i.e. a side bang with a few loose hairs), he loves it. He always comments how he likes to see my neck. I would think most men are suckers when it comes to seeing more flesh!!:lick:
My BF loves when I wear my hair up. Especially in a bun! :grin::grin:
As long as I can still keep it sexy (i.e. a side bang with a few loose hairs), he loves it. He always comments how he likes to see my neck. I would think most men are suckers when it comes to seeing more flesh!!:lick:

I agree! My bf loooooves when I wear my hair in a ponytail, especially if it's high, like at the crown. I guess that's naughty to him or something :rolleyes:

As far as buns go, as long as i keep it messy and throw in some hoop earrings, it can be very sexy. But I usually take my hair down as soon as i come home anyways...
I agree! My bf loooooves when I wear my hair in a ponytail, especially if it's high, like at the crown. I guess that's naughty to him or something :rolleyes:

As far as buns go, as long as i keep it messy and throw in some hoop earrings, it can be very sexy. But I usually take my hair down as soon as i come home anyways...

Ha-ha! ITA!!!
My hair hasn't been long enough to even do a bun so I wouldn't know from experience but judging by my husband's reactions to my hair care issues and stuff, his theory is: I love you no matter what it look like. I guess he finds a way to enjoy everything I do to my hair -except sleep with ORS condish because he will try to cuddle and says over again as if he hadn't asked the question 50 times already "Why your hair smell like oranges? Eww, hair not spose'd to smell like oranges baby." I just say" Yeah,yeah whatever." lol! Then I gets me some sleep. I guess because I don't do anything extravagant or outright disrespectful to my hair he is comfortable with my decisions, or he at least gets over them pretty easy. And i love King of Queens, we sometimes watch our DVD episodes during the "cuddle in bed before we sleep" time. Those two are funny, reminds me of me and my hubby when we get into silly arguments about nothing.
High pony = Cheerleader

SO prefers buns to individual braids and he thinks I look "elegant" with my hair up.

If your SO complains you can always make a treat out of wearing it down. Put it up loose one night and then whip that pin out when he least expects it. BAM! :rofl:
:lachen::lachen::lachen: That episode had me rolling last night. I was like " D@mn, I didn't know hair affected men like that!!" That bun really go to him!!

My S.O. only likes loose buns that are purposely messy but still kinda neat; and with a tight dress to go along :lachen: Other than that, no buns. I'm not a fan of buns myself anyways unless I'm working out or going food shopping or to get my nails done,etc.
I love that show!

I don't think my DH cares. I change my hairstyle so much that he probably doesn't even notice. Plus I am not that strict with my protective styles.
I been strict with my PS for 15 months now, and really don't care what any man thinks of my choice of PS! I will continue wearing my bun until I get to my hair goal!

AMEN TO THAT!!! My DH doesn't say anything cause he knows I'm doing it for a reason. He may not like it, but he doesn't say anything. He see's how much growth it has gotten me and I think that's what keeps him quiet.
When I straighten my hair I normally wear buns 75% of the time. All of my male friends dislike my buns...(I'm wearing one right And they always have something to say. The guy I'm dating doesn't really care. He's just happy it's growing. However, he is more likely to play in my hair when its down. When it's up he leaves it alone...(most of the time.
My man LOVES buns. :yep: He thinks they are sexy.

Men are individuals just like all of us are. There will be some men who love it and some who hate it. And a bunch in between.

well i don't know about men :look: , but i know I don't like em. they are boring and old and stiff. i do like the new age messy buns, like the few i keep seeing in siggies. those are fine. the old school knot/librarian/square bun isn't something i like.