kind of disappointed.....almost natural or tex...not sure


New Member
Between the 2 1/2 yrs of being on LHCF Ive had atleast 6 relaxers. Not realizing that my hair was reeeaaallllyyyyy underpressed. Its like I never had a relaxer in my hair. So recently I relaxed and I realized I had alot of underpressed hair. Kind of like this______~~~~~~~~~__:look:. Anywho, my last stretch was 6 months and I didnt realize I had alot of NG, thinking it was only 4 inches. Well now Im discovering most of my hair is curly. yup:drunk:. I think I was trans. without knowing it or I was texlaxed:ohwell: Ask me how I dont know, well I bun 100% of the time. I think my hair relaxed at one point but went back to its natural state. So I guess I never noticed the curls I just thought my hair was getting thicker:lachen:. So I never really noticed the curls out weighing the straight. I seriously think I have 8 inches of natural hair. Mind you im BSB.