
She has the cutest little pregnant body!!

I hope I will look like that when I'm pregnant. It's not looking good, though. The women in my family tend to turn into butterball turkeys by month 3 :ohwell: :lol:

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She looks really nice and hair appears thicker.

In the description box she mentioned how her pregnancy didn't effect her growth or retention. I can kind of buy it, but I do wonder how her will look if she has a lot of post partum shedding.
Her hair = 10, drag queen makeup = 0 :nono:

* Just saw on the video the makeup was for a photo shoot. Hopefully the makeup translates better in photos.
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Beautiful hair, but I am not a fan of the makeup. I understand she stated it was for a photo shoot but......that makeup makes her look weird.
Her pregnancy would have only given her 3-5 inches. You can look at her videos in April of last year and see that she was mbl/wsl at that time. Because she knows about shedding I doubt she will have as much as her haters hope she does.
She looks adorable pregnant.

Her retention is amazing.

There is something about her hair that makes it not...drool worthy for me. Maybe because it looks dry. Idk. The length is great, but...well as long as she loves it and retains it.
I wonder if she works out and what exercises she does to maintain her body. I need some tips for the future.
If I were her, I would disable the comment too. People are just waiting to tear her apart. Constructive my @@@ :nono:

THIS! On top of the fact that it was a snippet vid for her twitter followers. Why leave the comments open when the REAL FULL video has the comments open. People will more than likely comment on that one. smh

I like it! She so cute pregnant! All belly!
I would disable the comments too. I guess she's tired of having to tolerate some of those ignorant comments. :yawn:

I'm a fan and I appreciate her leave in recipie. Of course, I tweaked it and the results rivals a lot of things in the stores. I wish her the best.
She tweated about her work out routine last week. I wonder what her diet is like - that is what makes the difference.

I have no doubt that her diet is on point. She is to "together' in other areas of her life for her to slack on this. Also, she is 35 having a baby..borderline high risk due to age alone. If she is caring that much for her hair, her house, her garden, her house renovation, etc. I'm sure she put 110% into making sure the future Lil Ktube is getting the best that she's got.

I'm not a Kimmaytube stan. I'm a woman stan.
The video was removed. What happened? Did people start acting up in the comments?

ETA: Nevermind, I found it.
She has the cutest little pregnant body!!

I hope I will look like that when I'm pregnant. It's not looking good, though. The women in my family tend to turn into butterball turkeys by month 3 :ohwell: :lol:

Sent from my iPhone.

was the video below her version of a Beyonce baby announcement?

i only ask cause im not one of her subscribers so im not all in the loop about her biznass lol :look:
She looks great, and her hair is thriving! I am sure pregnancy has helped with thickness but I can attest that it doesn't always do much for length. She just has great retention which I'm sure is why she has become so popular. I am sure she has (or will have) some great strategies for dealing with the shedding when it comes so those vids should be very informative. Congrats to her :yep:.
Her hair is nice but my heavens that makeup! I don't care what it was for, she looks horrible.

She looks like herself just pregnant and with a fat face.
She retains length really well. I don't like the "look" of her hair, but very impressed with her ability to retain/knowledge of her own hair.
Does anyone know if she has put out any updates about her product line? I can't watch the vid at work, but her retention is always on point, so I'm sure her hair looks great.
Pregnancy looks good on Kimmay and its also doing her hair well. I would disable comments too. When you are pregnant you don't wanna be around a lot of negative energy or stress... Like E-fights.
Gotta give her props. Her hair has thrived!
I would love to see her get her hair done (just once) at a salon or by someone who would do it bone straight and clip her ends. I think it would be amazing!
She looks great. I second that needing to know her pregnancy reggie for future use :-) Good for her. It's GREAT to see one of US doing well. And of course, the hair is awesome.

Anyone whose ever had a photoshoot or been on camera professionally will recognize that as stage make-up, not something you walk around the street with. So no comment about how it looks.