Kim Kimble Hair Care System (celeb stylist)


Active Member
Has anyone used any products from Kim Kimble? She is a celeb stylist in Los Angeles, and I just read Garcelle Beauvois talk about her products in the new In Style magazine. Some of her products seem nice, but I wanted to know if anyone had any experiences with anything from her line. Here is the site:
Those products do look nice, but I have not tried them or even heard of them before. I have heard of Kimberly Kimble, but I did not know that she had a hair care line.
I think I am gonna bite the bullet and order a few things. That peppermint shampoo cream is calling me! Also the honey oatmeal moisturizing conditioner. If I break down and get them, I will be sure to post a review. :)
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The peppermint shampoo cream and the Ginger Conditioning Cream sounded like products I know I would love to have. I just joined the No New Products Challenge--so it is going to be more than a minute before I purchase anything.

After checking out the website, I think I'll pass on this one. The site is what I call "flash and tickle". Meaning there is a glitz presentation and not alot of product information.

For sure the site is eye candy. But for me a few lines of general comments concerning products in not enough incentive for me to make a purchase. I am not purchasing a celeb stylist in a bottle. :lachen: I am buying shampoo and conditioners. And I need more detail.

Glitz is great, but don't overlook the substance.

For those of you who purchase please post your comments. I am interested in reading your reviews.
I tried and like the Sleek Thermal Non-Chemical Straightner. I've used it for about 1 year now. It's great to use while stretching.
I was just watching a vid about her. She's Beyonce's stylist. She seems so sweet. I never heard of her product line, though.
I just saw her on Tabitha's Salon Takeover earlier this week. She seems to know her stuff. I see this line occaisionally in drugstores and BSS (in cities where the pop is predominantly black).
I like the silk conditioner and leave in spray. Works great when I heat style. I leave it on for 5-10 minutes with heat.
I've seen her products in Target. She doesn't give enough product for the price for me so I don't plan on buying...Unless I hear some really good reviews from LHCF.
I bought some of her products from TJ Maxx last year. I have her Moisturizing Shampoo, which really isn't that moisturizing. It actually strips the hair, good if your'e straightening. It has SD Alcohol as the first ingredient I think but no sulfates.

I also had her Shea Butter treatment mask which I didn't like but used until it was gone. You're supposed to apply it and then shampoo your hair, but I just don't think it makes sense to condition your hair and then shampoo it. Anyway, I tried using it like a regular deep conditioner and didn't shampoo afterwards...big mistake. My hair was so oily and weighed down, so I had to shampoo again and I don't really see how that can help your hair if you're stripping it again with shampoo.

Lastly, I have her leave in conditioning styling serum. I really have nothing to say about's really watery and light so if you want to put something in your hair before heat styling and don't want it to be weighed down, I guess this would be good. I can't really say it helped my hair or that I like it. I'd rather stick to CHI silk infusion or Hawaiian Silky.

I won't be repurchasing any of these products as I get better results from drugstore products. Oh wells...
I LOVE LOVE LOVE her detangling shampoo. They went on sale at a local BSS and I bought like 6 of them.
I'm interested in the ginger cream conditioner or the "untangle" conditioner, I'll look for it when I go to Target next week. Its all out of stock at and it was bogo :(
@cursbazillion, that's the one I'm hoarding, the untangle shampoo (pink bottle). I love it, but I'm relaxed. When I go to the BSS I'll try to get some more, it's that good on my hair.
It reminds me of old CON shampoo.
Just purchased Kimble Hair Care Curl Revitalizer.
It is clear, which I like. Smells good, not overpowering.
Background on my hair: thick, hard to manage, and drinks up most moisturizers. Therefore I can't really do a "light weight" product.
My hair definitely looks moisturized, but I'm going to wait till later in the day to see how it holds up.
I'll update later on tonight.
Update: it was ok. Its light so I definitely needed to reapply. But for the price and quality, its the best I have tried.
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