Kim Coles Goes Natural

Maybe it's just me...but she's been natural since 1991 and that's all she has to show for it?? She should have joined LHCF. I do think she looks fierce though, the style makes her look younger.
Maybe it's just me...but she's been natural since 1991 and that's all she has to show for it?? She should have joined LHCF. I do think she looks fierce though, the style makes her look younger.

I don't think being natural= long hair. I have many family members who have been natural since birth and their hair is either el or sl :perplexed
Maybe it's just me...but she's been natural since 1991 and that's all she has to show for it?? She should have joined LHCF. I do think she looks fierce though, the style makes her look younger.

My coworker said this too! I think she must have gotten relaxers! Micros hold up with permed hair!
It looks nice. I figured she was natural back in the day with either wigs or braids but it kinda saddens me that after 20 years that's her length especially with some fame I'd think people would have helped her with good products even back then. I mean creme of nature and ors has been around a long time. Not saying that those work for everyone but it just amazes me how people with money for the best seem to get the worse as for hair care stylists or advice. But when you know better you do better and I'm glad she is.
I think her hair looks good and I especially love the color. Not sure what all the hype was about her "going" natural . She has been natural for YEARS as others have stated. She just now isn't wearing braids. Maybe she wasn't comfortable wearing her hair out at first until the encouragement from blogs/youtube. It looks pretty though
I love her hair, especially the color! I wish I knew what kind of color she has because I really want mine this color when I do the BC. :yep:
Thank God she finally got rid of those dang micros. I just knew her edges would be all eaten up with those things.

I like it and she looks smaller!
Her hair looks great!

Why are people questioning her length after 20yrs of being natural. Maybe she doesn't want long hair (hard to believe on a long hair forum, huh? :lol:).
