Kids Organics is the TRUTH


Well-Known Member
I had heard about Kids Organics Shea Detangler and I accidentally bought some once, but then it ran out and I couldn't find it. Well, I found it again and started using it religiously on my kids hair. It was pretty much all I used, and sealed their hair with coconut oil. I had taken a pic of my daughter on hair wash day back in about Feb or March. She has had tremendous growth. It is mind blowing. Her hair wasn't short to begin with, considering her age. But now, she has so much hair and I credit Kids Organics--I am now using the shampoo, the conditioner and the moisterizer in addition to the detangler. I have the pics to prove it. The first pic is back in Feb or March. The second pic is last night. Notice the thickeness, volume and length. Stretched, it is between SL and BSL


This first pic is around Feb too, I think and the second one is early this month. I am so excited. I am about ready to start using the stuff as my own hair care reg.

she is such a cutie and her hair is gorgeous! You are doing a great job!

Thanks. I am trying. I forgot how much it takes to keep a little girls hair done.

Very nice!! I never thought about using the poo or condish....

Me either, until I started getting compliments and noticed the kids hair growth. It gets their hair clean without matting it all up. Dare I say, I like the shampoo better than CON on the kids.:blush:
what a cutie. Good job mom! daughter's hair is about SL, but it's not extremely thick yet, she's 14months. How old is your daughter?
what a cutie. Good job mom! daughter's hair is about SL, but it's not extremely thick yet, she's 14months. How old is your daughter?

She just turned 2 in April so that makes her. . . . . . .(counting months on my fingers, as I have never kept up with the weeks and months thing )

. . . . .27 months
Awe what a little cutie pie. You are doing a wonderful job with her hair. One day when she is old enough, she will be proud of the job you have done.
OMG she's so adorable!

I love their moisturizing shampoo and condish. I stopped buying the leave-in because it gave me "hair boogers" if I used it with Fantasia IC Gel. I should buy some more.
Hi can you let me know how do you apply it? Because ive tried it on wet hair and UGH!! made my hair look horrible all fuzzy ...??? I did actually use it (for cornrows) on my boyfriend's cousin dry hair and her hair was just drinking it ...her hair was gorgeous... but on my hair total failure
:( ...I loved the yummy smell but other than that its a blah for me . :(:(
thanks. I think it is worth it. I have never heard anyone say they didn't like the detangler.

Hey, SuperNova, your dd is soo cute. And her hair got soo thick and long. It looks beautiful!

You know I love my Kids Organics; but I have heard from a few people that they didn't like it. I still can't believe that. I can't help but wonder how they used it to not like it. But everyone is, I'm lovin it.
I concur with all. I just purchased a bottle of the Kids Organic Detangler and I I love it. Very moisturizing!!!:lick:
I used this religiously especially during long stretches and don't know why I stopped. We spend all this money on these products when there are much cheaper products that work just as well or even better.

When will we ever learn?

Your Little One is so very precious!! :love3:
where do you buy it?

I get it at my BSS, but I've heard some people have found it at WalMart and my first bottle came from Target

OMG she's so adorable!

I love their moisturizing shampoo and condish. I stopped buying the leave-in because it gave me "hair boogers" if I used it with Fantasia IC Gel. I should buy some more.

I don't use it with any holding products. Just the coconut oil, Maybe the gel and the oils in the detangler just don't mix

Hi can you let me know how do you apply it? Because ive tried it on wet hair and UGH!! made my hair look horrible all fuzzy ...??? I did actually use it (for cornrows) on my boyfriend's cousin dry hair and her hair was just drinking it ...her hair was gorgeous... but on my hair total failure
:( ...I loved the yummy smell but other than that its a blah for me . :(:(

When I wash her hair, I apply it afterwards(saturate it to detangle it) apply the coconut oil and braid it up---occasionally if I want her hair to be stretched, I lightly blow dry it before I braid it up.

I want to know too! :grin:
Is it at any old BSS or drugstore?

BSS, I just found a store in Charlotte that sells the whole line, they even have some tipe of growth cream--I didn't get that though_---for selfish reasons, I am not ready to add exponential growth yet. I may get it in the future though.
Before I moved to DC for school I was in love with their shampoo, it never left me feeling like my hair was stripped but the water here changed the feeling. I may try a bottle soon, but I really want the detangler. I look at it everytime I go to the BSS.

P.S. She's too cute!
Before I moved to DC for school I was in love with their shampoo, it never left me feeling like my hair was stripped but the water here changed the feeling. I may try a bottle soon, but I really want the detangler. I look at it everytime I go to the BSS.

P.S. She's too cute!

Howdy, neighbor! :hiya2:

Girl, drop what you're doing, go out now and get that detangler. I find that if it's too watery, add some Jamaican Black Castor Oil to the bottle. It's fantastic! The best! Again, I'm not sure why I stopped using this product.
Howdy, neighbor! :hiya2:

Girl, drop what you're doing, go out now and get that detangler. I find that if it's too watery, add some Jamaican Black Castor Oil to the bottle. It's fantastic! The best! Again, I'm not sure why I stopped using this product.

You mean, that you can make it better:spinning:. I didn't think it was possible. I have got to try that JBCO. I keep hearing about it, but I am a recovering PJ and I am trying to resist buying anything that I am not certain to use.