Kid's Organic Shea Butter Detangling Lotion

Kurly K

New Member
Does anyone else swear by this?? I love it :grin:, it provides moisture but gives the same results as naked hair! I just wanted to share it with everyone and I saw there was a thread about it on the Children's hair care discussion board and not one here
I like to use this on my slicks them down!!! I don't care for this product on my wet hair...However, I use it sometimes to detangle on dry hair before I poo!
I love this stuff!! It really nails you hair down and it smells amazing! It also has all kind of cool goodies for you hair as well.
I had heard some many great things about it that I went and picked up a bottle. It totally melted away my tangles, but didn't really help with moisture. And then the worst thing happened after my second use. My hands had an allergic reaction to the stuff and broke out in this ugly rash between my fingers before the skin was juss broken and peeling. I haven't touched it since. Also, I read that using it on dry hair was not a good idea, so I only used it twice on wet hair but both times, while it detangled after my wash, it was right back to tangle city once the hair was dry. WTH?
I used to use it a lot in the fall of 2003. I used it for airdrying in ponytails. My hair always airdried perfectly with it. It's a nice product!
Im not a fan of the product to gummy. Make my head itch and i have to wash out every time that i use it. Going to give the bottle to lil cousin... sad still a full bottle
I think it's great for detangling. It really helped during the later months of my transition. I probably wouldn't use it now because it's not that moisturizing (but has amazing slip).

I will more than likely return to it once my hair gets longer since I would need the extra slip to comb through the hair to do various styles.
This stuff is AMAZING for my daughters hair. It keeps it moisturized for days and then I will just spritz her hair w/ water, then reapply when neccessary.

Unfortunately for me it doesn't do to much, it's just "ok", but I will continue to use it in conjuction w/ other things.