KhandiB, bantu knots question?

Sweet C

Well-Known Member
KhandiB, this is question is for you, but if anyone knows the answer, feel free to post. I checked out your fotki, and I love your bantu knot set, so I have a few questions

1) Was this done on completely dry hair, mostly dry hair or wet hair

1a) If on dry hair, how did you dry it first (rollerset, blowdry by hand, airdry, etc.)
1b) If on mostly dry hair, how dry was it, and how did you dry it?

2) What products did you put in your hair to achieve this effect?
3) Did you have to redo the knots every night?
3a) If not, how often did you redo them?
3b) If redone at all, what products did you use while redoing them
4) When you took them done, what did you put on them?
1) Was this done on completely dry hair, mostly dry hair or wet hair
I always do bantu knot sets on wet hair

2) What products did you put in your hair to achieve this effect?
Sometimes I will use Elasta QP styling foam or Nioxin Smoothing Reflectives-Pure Shine Gel
3) Did you have to redo the knots every night?
No, you sleep with a bonnet on similar to a roller set
3a) If not, how often did you redo them?
My style will last 4-5 days
3b) If redone at all, what products did you use while redoing them
With all my styles I apply EVOO w/ a dab of moisturizing con
But I think it important to mist your ends lightly
4) When you took them done, what did you put on them?
You don't to put anything on the style but after day 2 or 3 I will use glossing cream to tame the flyaways
Hi :D - FYI I havent done it since I stopped blowdrying my hair

1) Was this done on completely dry hair, mostly dry hair or wet hair
Dry, rarely Damp
1a) If on dry hair, how did you dry it first (rollerset, blowdry by hand, airdry, etc.)
I used to blowdry it by hand
1b) If on mostly dry hair, how dry was it, and how did you dry it?
80-100% dry - blowdryer
2) What products did you put in your hair to achieve this effect?
I used to use conditioner, water and serum and grease on the ends
3) Did you have to redo the knots every night?
No Way, last about 3 days, after the first day just put in pony
3a) If not, how often did you redo them?
Every 3-4 days
3b) If redone at all, what products did you use while redoing them
4) When you took them done, what did you put on them?
Oil Sheen :D