Keracare Humecto and Elucence Moisture Balance


New Member
Has anyone here ever combined these 2 products together as a deep conditioning treatment? If so, did you achieve good results? I always use these two separately.

Thanks in advance,

I've never had that combination, but I have mixed the Elucence w/other conditioners such as LUST, Mizani Moisturefuse and Kenra MC and had wonderful results! You should go ahead and try it to see what you get. It just may be a great combo!!
They seem to work well together, in my opinion, especially with heat. Hair is really soft and tangle free.
I usually don't mix products, actually I never did til tonight. I was in a hurry to wash it's late, so I did'nt feel like wash DC MC routine so I used a sample of Deep Brilliance Purity Shampoo, then I put on Pantene R&N and the balance of a DB Moisture Cond. - Those two together have my hair realllllly soft.

I bought the Triple Moist. Serum so I put that on and I'm airdrying now. It feels so good.

So, I don't know if it was my mixing cond. experiment or the serum.
I tried this combo last night with a little Keracare Essential Oils for the Hair and deep conditioned under the dryer for 15 minutes. My hair had a lot of slip and moisture. I will definately do this again when I breakdown and order more Elucence conditioner.
Hmm, after reading Tammy's response. I think I will try mixing Elucence MB with Kenra MC. That has to be a powerful combo!