I'm sorry for any Kenra users I offend, but the Moisturizing Shampoo is the worst thing ever! I had the most horrible experience with it last night. Granted, the new bottle I had may have been a bad batch, but I doubt it. I started using Kenra a few months ago. The first few washes were fine. Then I started noticing that my hair would get a little hard after these initial washes. So I took a break for awhile and then went back to it last night (trying to curb my pjism and use what I got). To take it easy, I decided to dilute some of the shampoo with water before applying it to my hair.

Immediately after the first shampoo, my hair became unbearably hard. I felt around and discovered tangles everywhere. Some of my hair was even matted! I immediately lathered with the Kenra Moisturizing Conditioner and let it sit for 30 minutes under medium heat. When I tried to rinse out, the matted tangles felt even worse. I pulled out my trusty Paul Mitchell The Detangler. Guess what happened. WRONG! It did nothing for my new dreadlocks. Being that I am not a patient person, I began to panic and was on the verge of tears. I rinsed and conditioned over and over again to no avail. I stopped at 11:30pm, mind you I started my wash at 7:30pm. I slathered NTM conditioner in my hair, put on a plastic cap and went to bed.

This morning, I called my hairdresser (Marcia at Lavar that everyone raves about) and she said I could come in. She was an angel! Do you know she used a needle to take out my tangles? It took her an hour to get them all out and we won't even discuss the amount of hair that came out of my hair.

This is such a setback. I will never, never, eva, eva, eva touch another product by them again. Including my beloved Elucence or Elasta QP. I will go back to Keracare and Cream of Nature (which Marcia used to wash my hair). She advised I use CON starting at 7 weeks post relaxer (b/c I get my hair relaxed every 10 weeks). My hair is prone to tangle, and my new growth makes it worse!

I just had to vent. Sorry if I offended anyone who uses Kenra. Remember what works for the goose may not work for the gander.:(
WHA?? Thats crazy...i am putting this on my DO NOT TRY EVA EVA list...detangling your hair with a needle is crazy. Sorry to hear that happened to u. :( What do you think it was attributed to?
You know its funny that you say that because I tried the Kenra moisturizing conditioner that everyone raves about and it left my hair a tangled mess. Needless to say, I took that crap right back to Trade Secrets and got my $12 back. But I still have my Elucence MB shampoo and conditioner, so I will just stick with that. I guess Kenra is not for everybody.:confused:
Sorry to hear about your trouble. :(

I have never really been big on the Kenra moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. I have never gotten tangles like that, but there are other sets that do give me better slip and moisture. But, the tangles ?!?! I have never had that happen to me when using Kenra. Proves the whole different strokes for different folks thing.

But, I can not live without their Chelating Shampoo. It helps with my very hard water.
Wow, that's the first time I've ever heard of that happening. I like the shampoo, sorry it did you wrong.
atlien11 said:
WHA?? Thats crazy...i am putting this on my DO NOT TRY EVA EVA list...detangling your hair with a needle is crazy. Sorry to hear that happened to u. :( What do you think it was attributed to?

I think it's Kenra and my hair. It just did not work for me. Like I said, my hair didn't feel right the previous time I used it. I should have thrown it out then.
I'm sorry to hear about your problems. That sounds extreme! I've never tried the shampoo but I love the conditioner. Just a tip, though. If a product previously was good to your hair but then starts acting up you should try a clarifying shampoo so that everything is stripped from your hair. That usually brings back the good results.
HoneyDew said:
Sorry to hear about your trouble. :(

I have never really been big on the Kenra moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. I have never gotten tangles like that, but there are other sets that do give me better slip and moisture. But, the tangles ?!?! I have never had that happen to me when using Kenra. Proves the whole different strokes for different folks thing.

But, I can not live without their Chelating Shampoo. It helps with my very hard water.

I agree. I gave the Kenra moisturizing shampoo away. The moisturizing conditioner only works if I use a acidifying shampoo.

The only staples I use from this line is the Kenra Emollient conditioner which is the bomb and the Kenra clarifying shampoo.
I found Kenra's products to be concentrated, so I got the best results after diluting them with water. Try that before you toss.
I also like Kenra's Platinum line of shampoos and conditioners. But, they are way too expensive, in my opinion. I haven't bought anymore for that reason.
She did dilute it before she used it...

I've wanted to try Kenra's stuff for the longest. Guess I won't now. :eek:

kombov_dymond said:
I found Kenra's products to be concentrated, so I got the best results after diluting them with water. Try that before you toss.
I have tried Kenra in the past and I like the conditioner much better than the poo.
Elucence works best on my hair so I never repurchased Kenra.
Sorry to hear that you had this problem. I had a bad experience with this shampoo too, it made my hair hard and tangly. Luckly it was a sample, so I threw it away after my second use.
Wow, that is really extreme. Tangles so bad you need a needle. I am so sorry to hear you had to go through that. I haven't use the shampoo but I have used both the Moisture and Color treated conditioner. I really like them both but I have so much shampoo that most times I dont need to buy anymore. Glad you got our hair back together.
and I clarified a few days ago, and I don't use alot of stuff in my hair. Just leave-in and oil.

I just think it's Kenra and my hair. Maybe I should have clarified again this time. Maybe I shouldn't have used it with so much new growth. I don't know. All I know is that it was a setback for my hair and I will never use the stuff again.

Like I said, what works for some doesn't work for all and I'm glad it works for some....

bklynwildheart said:
She did dilute it before she used it...

I've wanted to try Kenra's stuff for the longest. Guess I won't now. :eek:
I am so sorry this happened top you. I also had a bad experience with Kenra shampoo. I used it like 3 x thinking it would change...nope. My hair was tangled and really dry. It did not smell good either. I just threw it away.
Ghanaian Dime, sorry this happened to you, that's horrible. I can only imagine how you feel. Thanks for the heads up ladies. I had been eyeing Kenra at Ulta for a while, but now I know... on to Keracare.
I have to agree with you. I used the Kenra shampoo once with good results, after that it was a bust. I've never liked the conditioner from day one, it didn't provide a drop of slip.
ghanaian dime said:
and I clarified a few days ago, and I don't use alot of stuff in my hair. Just leave-in and oil.

I just think it's Kenra and my hair. Maybe I should have clarified again this time. Maybe I shouldn't have used it with so much new growth. I don't know. All I know is that it was a setback for my hair and I will never use the stuff again.

Like I said, what works for some doesn't work for all and I'm glad it works for some....

Yes you're right. I'm glad you have an excellent hairdresser...those are much harder to find than good shampoos.
Wow. I am loving Kenra right now. Just another sign that one size does not fit all with hair. It does not give as much slip, but I don't want that with my shampoo and conditioner. I used to, but since I use cones in everything else, and since my hair is fine, I need to clarify more. And I need the regular shampoos to get rid of the build up. Kenra does that pretty well without stripping my hair too much.

But if you are looking for good slip, I would agree that there are shampoos better than Kenra. I would say KeraCare is the ultimate slip-giver. :lachen: